Chapter 22

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"You know Fallon.. I've been meaning to ask you, since when was shoving me into a wall part of the plan?"

Camila ask with a gentle giggle as she reach her hand up to soothe her aching shoulder, Lauren instantly shot the taller a disapproving look but Fallon seemed rather smug and content in her choice of off script acting

"It's just method acting! I wanted to make it believable?"

"So you didn't just shove her because you knew you'd get away with it?"

Lauren mocked in a low hum watching the woman roll her eyes as they walk along the small stretch of pavement that led back towards Fallon's apartment

"Ok fine! But I deserved at least one free hit!"

"Uh one? You slapped and held scissors up to my throat before now!"

Lauren gasped back not having heard about those small details as she stop outside the door to scold her best friend with just the look in her powerful eyes alone

"Ok ok ok fine! I am sorry! But I'm also not because it was super fun!"

She spat happily snatching the keys from Lauren's hands to let herself into the apartment leaving Camila reaching out for a warming hug that the elder more than happily fell into burying her head down against the crook of her warm neck

"You did incredible tonight Lo... seriously I know it made you anxious but.. you really made it happen"

"So did you, I still can't believe your crazy shit show actually worked... I'm just glad I get to stay with you.. modelling I mean.."

She stuttered tucking back a strand of hair from her cheek as the younger let go of her hand she hadn't even remembered grabbing, she glanced back into the night sky realising the time before huffing out gently

"Me too, you should probably go get some sleep anyway.. it's been a long night!"

She spoke pacing backwards slightly before a hand catch hold of her wrist pulling her back to face her with a stumbling gaze admiring the deep look in those pooling green orbs

"Stay? Fallon won't really care after this anyway and.. I kinda just wanna be around you tonight?"

Camila smiled back taking her offer as she enter in to the small but warm and cozy apartment, the scent of fresh aromas flooding the room a comforting one as the elder kick her shoes off beside the door leaving Camila to scan her eyes around the grey themed floor

"This is a nice apartment.."

"Don't talk shit short skirt.. we all know your dumb rich.. this is probably a shit hole to you.."

Fallon interject from across the room washing her hands under a heavy steam of hot running water, Lauren laughed shaking her head as she walk to take the thick jacket from over Camila's shoulders who quickly fought back to defend her way of being

"You've seen my apartment.. it's not huge? I like cozy.. I've always hated big spaces, you just get lonely.."

"Well this must be perfect for your taste then! Because small it is!"

Camila giggled tangling her fingers around the thick locks of brown hair flooding over her shoulders as the woman walk to grab for her bedroom door slipping behind without even a goodnight leaving Lauren sighing out gently as she approach the front of the younger girls body lifting her fingers to sit over her toned shoulders

"Come on, I'll show you my room"

She spoke dropping her hand to drag her boss into the cramped room she'd stay in most nights just to clear her own thoughts in the company of her best friends who slept just across the hall, she jumped up onto the bed quickly sitting back against the headboard motioning the younger to follow

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