Bonus Chapter

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6 years later

"Alright guys!" I blow my whistle, making the team stop their drill and look at me. "Gather around and sit please."

My team jogs over to me, and plop onto the floor, trying to catch their breaths. I sit in front of them, looking at my clipboard.

"We all know what tomorrow is, right?" I look up at them, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes coach!" They all yell, making me grin.

"Our match against the Sendai Frogs." I say, though they already know. "I'm really sorry about this one, but because of my other job, I've been more busy than usual and so I wasn't able to get any videos of them to watch." To be honest, I won't even know their starting line up until tomorrow.

I feel horrible, usually it's our tradition to watch videos on the other team before our practice.

"Don't worry about it Coach! We all took the initiative to do some research on our own. We could only find a few short clips online, but I think we got this!" Seiji, our team captain says. I look at them all in appreciation.

"I love you guys." We all laugh. "Okay, let's get serious now." I say, my lips pressing into a thin line.

"The Sendai Frogs...although I wasn't able to get videos of them, they've been the talk of the league lately. I heard they've got some huge players. They've been doing so well that if they keep it up, there's been talks of them getting moved up to Division 1." I pause, a small grin coming over my lips. "So do your best, stay focused, and crush them."

"Yeah!" The boys shout, all grinning and hitting each other on their backs.

"We totally got this! We've been winning a lot too!" Hisashi, our libero, stands up. "Put your faith in me to guard your backs, and I'll leave the rest to you tall bastards! You better make them piss their pants with your spikes!" Once again, the boys hype each other up like they always do.

"Alright, alright, alright." I laugh. "Though, it may not be as easy as you all think. We still need to play seriously tomorrow. Keep your guards up. Now, everyone go home and rest. Please eat proper meals." I stand.

"Thank you Coach!" They line up, yelling the words. I smile, looking at each of them. This truly is the best part of my day.

How the hell did I get to this place in life?

I make sure every one of my players are gone before I leave the gym as well.

Sendai Frogs. What do you have to offer?


"We're here." I say excitedly, turning back to look at my team before we enter the gym. "How do you all feel?"

"We feel great coach. Better than ever. Even though Haru isn't here, I feel like we'll do well." Seiji says, a determined look in his eyes. "Let's win this for Haru!"

Haru is our team's ace. He got sick a few days ago with the flu, so he's been bedridden since. This game is definitely going to be tough without him, as much as I hate to say it. But we really do depend on that guy most of the times.

"Yeah!" The team yells, and then walks past me to enter the gym.

"Um...Coach Amaterasu?" Yui, our pinch server comes up to me. I look at him, shocked. This guy doesn't talk much so I'm really surprised that he came up to me.

"Yes?" I smile.

"I don't want to sound rude, you're a great coach, and you're friendly but you also push us hard during practice." He looks down, playing with his fingers. "But do you know when Coach Ben will be back? He promised that we'd work on my serves but he...he's been gone for a while."

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