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Eden-We wait for the nurse to come back with news.

Brynn-Will the good news is that Ben will be find but he need to sleep for today.

Eden-Thank you! Will come back later to see how he is doing.

Brynn-Okey then I will watch to make sure that he is good the hole time your gone.

Eden-After that me and Liam want to get some food from the kitchen. I was still mad at he.

Liam-You said that you had other things that you wanted me to do what are they?

Eden-Like I said before the place that you get me is a very bad place and I want you to help the people there.

Liam-How do you think I could do that. The people that going there pay a lot of money to get pets and other stuff.

Eden-You can't even say what they did to me. Your as bad as the person that rape me.

Liam-Don't taking to me like that. I could not believe that me own mate would compared me to a raper.

Eden-I don't know if we should be to gather. Because you don't love me so you will never will.

Liam-NO! I will do it just giving me a few days.

Eden-Okey then my going to bed.

Liam-After Eden left I called the pet place were I get Eden. Say that we are charging them with cruelty.

Owner-Are you sure about that Liam?

Liam-Are you trying to threaten me?

Owner-No it just the people that coming to this place pay good money for they!

Liam-They have names and they are people like us. Oh don't think that is all I will buy the place from you and you will have to pay all the money that the girls and boys earned back to they. Some I will be freezing your bank accounts. Oh and do be a alarm if my men show up there to see if you get any more money that were should hold for you.

Owner-Are you sure you know want your doing?

Liam-It lot for my mate and none thing allows matters.

Owner-Will if your going to shut down my shop will you giving me a job?

Liam-I would love to giving you a job I was thinking about helping the people you have affected?

Owner-I don't know they might have a garage towards me?....

Liam-Will then I hope you help but thanks and taking with you later.

Owner-Okey then bye.

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