𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦

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in April Spink and Miriam Forcible's home, drawing a sketch of one of the dog's. They were extremely bored and drawing was one of the only things that kept their scattered mind at ease nowadays.

"(Name)!" Miriam yells from the living room. (Name) sighs and stands up, leaving the drawing for another time.

"Coming!" (Name) yells back, making their way to the living room.

"What do you need, Miriam?" (Name) says, walking into the living room and fiddling with their fingers awkwardly, They didn't really like talking to their care-takers very much- Not that they don't like them though!

They're very grateful that the women took them in and honestly love them greatly!! But, it was because they kind of thought that they were a little.. Odd.

Miriam was obsessed with teasing (Name) about having a partner and always spoke of romance and such! They'd always respond with 'Miriam, I'm too young for that!' or 'I'm not really interested in dating right now.'

And April almost always thought something bad was going to happen, She was overprotective and always made sure that (Name) was safe, which one might think is good but she takes it a bit too far.

Then there was the dog's. Well, the dead ones. When (Name) first got here they found it creepy to stuff them when they passed. They kind of got used it it after a while.

..Moving on...

"(Name), dear, have you seen my glasses anywhere?" Miriam asks, taking a moment to glance at said persons figure before going back to where she was searching for the glasses.

(Name) stopped fiddling with their fingers, a small smile tugging at the edge of their lips. "Miriam," they said, walking over to said lady.

Miriam looked at them and raised a brow, "Yes, dear?" She responded, noticing the small smile on the younger one's face, "What is it?"

"Your glasses are hanging from your neck." (Name) told Miriam, gesturing towards the glasses that lay peacefully on the older lady's chest.

"Oh!" She glanced down at the her chest and there the glasses lay in all their...glassy glory? She chuckled before saying "Thanks, babes" and placing the glasses in their rightful spot on the bridge of her nose.

"..I'm gonna hangout outside, 'kay?" (Name) stated before walking to the front door and grabbing the handle... Only to be stopped by the one and only April Spinks. "Where do you think you're going, (Name)?"

"Crap" (Name) whispered under their breath. "I'm going outside" They said, their vision still on the door in front of them. "At this late at night?" April said, "Mhm" They simply responded. "Alright then" She sighed, waving them off with her hand and going to her bedroom.

Well, that's different...and weird. (Name) thought while they opened the door and walked out. They knew exactly where they wanted to go. The well. (Name) had a weird attachment to it. They felt like the well and them were similar in a way. They just couldn't describe it.

(Name) walked on for a bit before stopping in the middle of the path. They smiled and picked up the lanky black cat that once idly stood by their feet, making sure to scratch behind his ears whilst they continue their walk.

Once (Name) reached The Well they gently dropped the cat, giving him one last pat before he scurried away. (Name) stared at The Well, a feeling of warmth filling their chest. It was like... the kind of warmth you feel when you're excited or happy.

A cold breeze blew {through (Name)'s (h. length), (h. colour(s) hair, strands tickling their face.} They closed their eyes and smiled. It was so peaceful and they were so comfortable. They honestly really loved it out here.

Upon opening their eyes, (Name) gasped and stumbled back. They almost fell but were saved by the certain individual who had scared them.

"W-Wybie! What the heck are you doing here?" (Name) whisper-yelled at the boy.

He smiled slightly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh.." Wybie meekly let out, leaving a small silence afterwards.

(Name) sighed and lightly shook their head. "You scared the heck outta me, dude!"

"..I noticed." The messy-haired boy replied, chuckling. "Well, (N-Name), I got- err.. found something you might like." Wybie announced as he looked {up/down} at (Name).

They fake-gasped. "You got me a present, Wy? Awww! how sweet of you!" They said, jokingly. Wybie's face warmed up from the slight embarrassment.

"..Here." He said, hesitantly handing the object to (Name). They observed it for a bit before their mouth went agape.

"Wow.. This is amazing! Did you make it?" They said, tearing their gaze from the soft object in their hands to Wybie.

The boy simply nodded and messed with his gloves. He was taken aback when (Name) hugged him. He didn't have time to hug them back, since they quickly let go and smiled {up/down} at him.

Then there was silence. A long, long awkward silence at that.

Almost 10 minutes had passed and they were just awkwardly standing around and glancing every other way except for the other individuals view.

Rain came pouring from the sky, soaking the two kids. "Well uh... I should get going... See ya" (Name) said, "...Same here...Bye." They waved goodbye and made their way back to their houses.

Once (Name) got home, they placed their stuff in their room and grabbed their pajamas, speed walking to the bathroom so that they didn't soak the floors of their house (mostly succeeding).

(Name) stepped into the bathroom, quickly removing their soaking clothes along with their undergarments, then turned on the water for the shower head and stepped in.

(Name) finished their shower and put on their fresh pajamas. They plopped down onto their bed. Strangely enough, they were tired from before, but after their shower they were even more worn out and fell asleep pretty quickly.

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