BONUS CHAPTER #3: Weird but it's okay

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Sana and Tzuyu where in the living room of the Minatozaki's house as they were wrapped in a blanket while watching a movie and eating pop-corns. Sana's parents are busy at works so Tzuyu came over to keep her company like the good girlfriend that she is.

And while Sana was focused on the screen, Tzuyu was lost in thought, not getting interrested in the movie at all which Sana noticed so she moved closer to her girlfriend and put her head on her shoulder.

-"hey baby! Why are you spacing out?" -Sana asked with her baby voice and Tzuyu smiled.

-"Nothing really important, I just thought that I've done a lot of crazy stuffs since the day I started dating you!" -Tzuyu chuckled and Sana pouted.

-"are you saying that I am a bad influence?" -Sana arched a brown and Tzuyu shook her head.

-"no, that's not what I meant. I am just saying, I've did lots of thing that I would never think I'd do in my life!"

-"Is it a good or bad thing?!" -Sana asked pouting and Tzuyu kissed her nose.

-"it's not a bad thing because I've got to experience many stuffs!" -Tzuyu said so Sana smiled widely. -"but still some of them were crazy! And it was all your ideas! Especially when it comes to food!"

-"really? I don't recall anything! Everything we ate were normal as far as I know!" -Sana looked at her confused.

- "Sana! We have already eaten bananas wrapped in mortadella and mixed in yogurt which was your idea!"

-"Okay, I agree it was my idea but it wasn't that bad!!" -Sana raised her arms in defense so Tzuyu raised an eyebrown. -"okay, I admit it was weird but it wasn't bad... we even kept on eating it!!! Now you admit it"

-"Okay, I admit it wasn't bad but it was weird but what's weirder is that we ate it and found it disgusting but we kept on eating it anyways!"

-"see? So it's not bad!!" -Sana said and crossed her arms as they stayed silent for a minute. -"but now that you talk about food, didn't you ever wonder---"

-"No!!! Your ideas when it comes to food are weird afff!!"

-"oh come on!! Don't you want to know how a chocoghetti taste like?"

-"chocoghetti????" -Tzuyu asked confused.

-"Chocolate + spaghetti" -Sana winked.

-"I can't believe you just invented a name!" -Tzuyu sighed then thought about it for a moment. -"but now that you talk about it, spaghettis are tasteless and if we put chocolate on it, it might taste good!"

-"Right??? We will never know if we don't try! And plus we have the ingredients at home!" -Sana wiggled her eyebrown while looking at Tzuyu who looked back at her, they stared at each other for a minute before Tzuyu started speacking.

-"You get the chocolates, I get the spaghetti!" -Tzuyu said and stood up then followed by Sana who squealed.

-"Chocoghetti, here we come!!!"


-"hummm....hummm" -Tzuyu and Sana hummed as they were eating the spaghetti they just made, their reaction were neutral as they kept on eating and once done, they put the plate aside then licked their lips.

-"that...." -Tzuyu started.

-"just tasted like a chocolate... not bad,not bad...." -Sana nodded then looked at Tzuyu who looked back at her. -"what do you think?"

-"It was... weird but not bad!"


-"Hum!" -Tzuyu nodded then they looked infront of them.

-"say Tzuyu..."


-"We've tested Spaghetti with chocolate. How about marshmallow with ketchup?" -Sana licked her lips but Tzuyu shook.

-"No that's really---"

-"Come on!! Don't you want to know the taste?? We will never know until we try it!" -Sana wiggled her eyesbrow, Tzuyu sighed and looked away but then gave up.

-"okay... just one last time!! Just for this one!"



-"Hum....hummm..." -Sana and Tzuyy hummed as they ate the marshmallow with ketchup.

-"dang, this is disgusting but... surprisingly, I can't stop" -Tzuyu mumbled.

-"it's disgusting but addicting!" -Sana nodded then put the rest aside before crossing her arms. -"it's kinda good but disgusting..."

-"I agree..."



-"Say Tzuyu... Didn't you ever wonder what does a pan with starwberries in it taste like?" -Sana wiggled her eyebrown and Tzuyu looked at her. -"we will never know if we don't try right??"



And it went on until Sana's parent arrived home from work and they were shocked to see Sana, their daughter lying on the floor looking totally pale while Tzuyu could be heard from the bathroom puking as if she was trying to remove something from her body.

Sana looked up when she heard her parents gasping, she smiled weakly then raised a finger.

-"the last one was ... it was weird but.... it wasn't that bad... it's just.... we didn't know we shouldn't have mixed it....Haha... arghhhh" -Sana said one last time before collapsing infront of her parents while her parents looked at her with mouth wide open.

-"she is really your daughter... thankfully I never listenned to any of your silly ideas about mixing foods!" -Mrs.Minatozaki said and her husband shrugged his shoulder.

-"well I can't disagree with that..."


Actually I've really tried the bananas thing so I wanted to share it with you 😂😂 It's not's weird but not bad 😂😂 It's my bestfriend who tried it first and he told me so I tried 😂😂

I'll update as soon as I can!!!

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