Chapter fifteen: Tzuyu just needs love

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Tzuyu's POV

I feel horrible. Not because of the discussion earlier but.... okay, it was about the discussion earlier.

Not only it made me anxious because I don't like my family except only my brother but also I looked so pitiful infront of Sana's family... I ruined the mood and made everything so awkward while everyone were having a great time. Now I am afraid they are oh so going to change their mind about me...

I mean. It was weird from the start, they were so supportive and sweet to me yet they didn't know much. They trusted me with all their heart then there's me... I lied to them, not so lying but I still did hide the fact that I don't really get along with my family. Like REALLY...

I sighed discreetly as I followed Mr.Minatozaki out on the backyard. There was a huge flied of flowers on the side of the path that lead to the beautoful greenhouse. Uh.... This is a part that Sana's hasn't showed me yet, since it was locked.

Mr.Minatozaki stopped infront of the greenhouse and opened it as I followed behind quietly. I feel horribly awkward, They just saw me almost having a pa'ick attack and that's very embarrassing, being a bother like that.... I just wanna hide in a deep hole and never come back.

I hope Sana isn't mad.

I glupped as we entered the greenhouse and if I wasn't still embarrassed about what happened earlier, I'd have my jaw on the floor right now. Wow, their greenhouse is beautiful, they sure know about aesthetics.

We walked further more inside as I looked at everything around but still keeping an eye on Mr.Minatozaki who was awfully quiet since earlier. I fear his reaction, I still don't know what we are going to talk about but now I'm sure we are first going to talk about what happened earlier. I mean I am his daughter's girlfriend... It's normal if he is going to ask me more about my family....

I don't know. I just know I have to prepare myself.

We finally arrived at our destination and I was not surprised to see a large carpet on the floor with well scattered cushions on it forming a circle and put up to make a Japanese style.  And in the middle was a low table with a vase filled with flowers on it, above that was a chandelier not very big but quite impressive all the same.

-"Please take a seat Tzuyu!" -Mr.Minatozaki spoke which slightly made me jump. This is awkward but I have to do this. It's not like it's the first time I talked to him all alone. It's okay Tzuyu, you got this....

I slowly sat on one of the cushion as he walked away and took something from behind me. When he came back, he sat from across me and I was surprised to see that he brought two glasses with him and... a whole bottle of sake????

At 10am in the morning????? Is he good? I mean... I didn't mean to be disrespectful but drinking sake this early in the morning while we are still both in our pajamas is just.... strange. Again, Is he good? I know I talk a lot about how the Minatozakis are just strange but this... okay, IS HE GOOD???

And wait, he waited for me to come back with Sana yesterday so late in the evening. Is this truly what he wanted to do? Get me drunk and talk? The talk part which is still a mystery.

I carefully watched him as he put the two glass infront of us then handed me the bottle of sake. I looked at him a bit lost and he gave me a small smile.

-"Pour the drink in my glass Tzuyu!" -He said and even tho I really wanted to ask why he wanted to drink at this hour, I didn't question it. I let it go, if I get drunk later, this will be the excuse.

I bowed and slightly stood up as I poured the drink in his glass then sat back down. I was about to pour some in mine but he stopped me. He took it and poured it for me as he spoke.

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