Chapter nineteen: Love can get crazy

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Tzuyu's POV


I wasn't really for the idea of this whole meeting up with my old friend and face my nightmare and all but now this is kinda interesting, maybe a bit stressful since I have to restrain them from killing someone but interesting.

And then again.... I don't want my girlfriend and best friend to go to jail.

-"WOOHOOOOOOO!!! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!" -Jeongyeon slammed the table with her hands as she was smiling widely. I have the vivid impression that she knew this would happen and that's why she proposed for us to meet.

-"Will you please help me hold them back?" -I asked her but she just ignored me and instead she even stood up and raised her hands in the air to cheer for Chaeyoung and Sana.

And talking about them... //sigh//

-"TZUTZU??????? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING TZUTZU????? FUCK YOU!!! YOU DON'T GET TO CALL HER THAT!!!!! SHE IS MYYY BABY!!!" -Sana was over the table, reaching a hand ready to pull some hairs but I was holding her back by pulling her by her clothes. Same goes with Chaeyoung...

-"DAMN RIGHT!! SANA FOR THE WIN, SHE IS BEST GIRL WHILE YOU ARE NOTHING!!!! YOU HAVE SOME FUCKING AUDACY CALLING TZUYU LIKE THAT INFRONT OF US AFTER ALL YOU'VE DONE!!!" -Chaeyoung yelled as she was also on the table very near Audrey who was standing up on her chair to not get caught by the two angry beast that literally threw themselves at her the moment she uttered the word 'Tzutzu'.

And I was just watching the shit go down greatly.

-"Guys please. I thought we are here to talk" -I said half-heartedly and I got a bit startled when Chaeyoung pulled Sana back with her to sit as she brought out sunglasses, out of nowhere and wore it.

-"YEAH DAMN RIGHT!!!! WE ARE HERE TO TALK!!! TALK ABOUT HOW TZUYU IS SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER WITHOUT YOU AND YOUR TOXICITY!! AND NOW THAT SHE MOVED ON FROM YOU!!!! SHE GOT A WONDERFUL AND PRECIOUS GIRLFRIEND THAT YOU WILL NEVER BE ASSHOLE!!" -Chaeyoung said while crossing her arms and Both Sana and Jeongyeon clapped their hands at Chaeyoung before Jeongyeon moved next to Sana and brought out a megaphone???? Where did she get that???

-"Audrey!!" -Jeongyeon pointed at Audrey who looked at them, very shocked about the sudden change of situation. -"I present to you Minatozaki Sana, she is great, she is nice, She is smart, she is kind, she is beautiful and she is the daughter of the richest man of this fucking country!! She is everything that you aren't!!"

I looked at them as Chaeyoung pulled out some bills from her jackets and threw them on Sana who crossed her arms while smiling smugly at Audrey. I can't believe I know these person... And I am dating one of them... wow.

-"TRY TO BEAT THAT LOOOOOOOSSSSSERRRRRRR!!!!OOOOOOOOOOOOOO" -Chaeyoung moved infront of Audrey and waved her hand infront of her face like JOHN CENA!!! Jeongyeon joined Chaeyoung and stuck her tongue out at Audrey who didn't even know what to say anymore.

-"Minatozaki is the perfect girl and you are just a backstabbing bitch!!!" -Jeongyeon said with a big smile tho it wasn't really the time for her to smile since it looked very creepy at the moment.

-"I am very surprised we didn't get kicked out yet..." -I said in disblied and Jeongyeon quickly went beside me.

-"I know the owner so it's alright!" -She winked and I sighed. Of course she planned all of this...

And I still watched as my girlfriend stood on the table and pointed at Audrey with a very proud smile on her face.

-"And guess what Audrey?" -Sana asked with a smirk and Audrey just blinked at her. -"I look better in dark hair than you do"

 The popular girl is my lover while I am a loner (SATZU)Where stories live. Discover now