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Aaliyah Moreno

I gently push Harry to one side because I didn't want to startle Raven with a random guy as soon as she opened the door. Harry nods in understanding that he doesn't want to startle her either.

Through the reflection of ravens door I see her silhouette coming down the stairs with her left hand on the railing.

"Coming" I hear her muffled voice shout from the other side of the teal coloured door followed by her opening it and welcoming me in a tight embrace.

"Aaly! Come in hun." She says as she takes my hand to lead me inside.

"Wait." She says as she stops herself in her tracks and turns around to face me quickly

"Didn't you see Harry today?" She asks and I hear Harry trying hard not to laugh next to me but stops himself with his forefinger against his soft lips. I kick his foot with mine out of Raven's eyesight causing him to laugh a bit harder.

"Actually I did." I say

"Well?" She asks while motioning with her hands as if to say "tell me more then"

"About that..." I say as I pull Harry's arm gently so he's now in ravens eyesight next to me in her doorway. Her eyes widen at my move as she smiles and chuckled in shock. I knew that once she got to know him she'll loosen up.

"I'm Harry" he says as he reaches his hand out to shake ravens as she does so. He returns his hands behind his back and intertwines his fingers.

"H- Hi Harry. I've heard a lot about you." She says while stuttering out of nervousness. She stands in the door way awkwardly with her hands tucked into her sleeves as her eyes flick back and forth between mine and Harry's. I widen my eyes and raise my eyebrows to signal that "bestfriend code" thing you do.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry. Come in!" She says as she opens the door wider for the both of us to walk into while motioning with her right arm while her left hand had a firm grip on the door.

"Thanks" Harry says from behind me as we both walk into ravens house where Harry shuts the door behind him. I follow Raven into her living room and sit down on her couch, her home is kind of like my home too.

Raven makes her way into the kitchen to put the kettle on as Harry slowly comes around from the corner and leans his tall figure against the doorframe. I move up to one side and pat the empty space indicating for him to sit down if he wanted. He rubs his hands together and makes his way over to me and sits next to me. I could tell he was nervous about meeting my friend from how often he rubbed the thighs of his trousers and that he couldn't keep his eyes on one thing. I gently place my hand on his legs while lightly chuckling causing him to now fix his eyes on mine.

"It's okay Harry. She doesn't bite" I say while laughing a bit

"Mmm I don't know" Raven says while butting in and walking over to hand me and Harry our coffees, causing him to lighten up a bit.

"Cheers" he says as he takes the mug of hot liquid in his hands and blowing off the steam to cool it down. He takes a sip straight away while my hands gently tap the sides in caution that it's not too hot.

"So Harry. It's nice to meet you." Raven says as she clears the thick silence that filled the room in which none of noticed until she broke it.

"You too." He says while shifting so his elbows rested against his knees as he bent his back slightly.

"I heard you're a photographer... is that right? That's so cool." Raven blurts out causing me to immediately widen my eyes to make her remember that Harry wasn't supposed to know I talk about him to other people because I didn't know if he did the same. I just didn't want it to be weird or uncomfortable for him.

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