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Harry Styles

As I walk home there were way too many things running through my mind. I decided to push all those thoughts to the back of my head for the time being as I opened my journal to be greeted with 5 full pages of handwritten notes of my surprise for Aaliyah. I smile to myself realising that everything is falling into place really nicely.

The truth is that the book she has that's written by my mother, I wouldn't mind reading. As much as it would bore me to death I still wouldn't mind reading it. The only reason I rejected earlier was because I wanted Aaliyah to read it so anything she said came out as a surprise that if I didn't get, she would explain in a way that was easy for me to write down in my journal. I didn't know how much more of this journal was going to be filled in but I didn't care how long it took because I knew Aaliyah would be patient.

I started on my course again in 2 days so I wasn't sure when I was going to be able to see Aaliyah again, I would definitely make time for her though. I was also waiting on the news that they had to tell me at uni. I had no idea what on earth they were going to tell me so I didn't know wether to be excited or nervous. Who am I kidding... it was uni, probably nothing absolutely major.

But surprises weren't always a bad thing at all. If you told me last month that I'd meet the prettiest girl both inside and out who took me on all these adventures and recited forms of literature, I would have laughed at you. I never used to be into all that romantic stuff... well... that's it what me and Aaliyah had was even romantic. I wasn't sure at this point but I didn't dwell on it too much. The only thing that replayed over and over again like a broken record in my mind was

What is the essence of a sunflower

Sure the surprise for Aaliyah was based around this question, but it doesn't mean I understood it. I just chose to interpret in a way in which I could understand and it eventually planted a seed in my head and ideas started blossoming from there. Words couldn't describe how happy I was that I came up with the idea, Aaliyah helped contribute yet she didn't even know yet. She played a big part in this surprise and she was clueless about it. I couldn't wait to tell her eventually wether it was in 2 months or 2 years.

I walk back to my house as I put my hands in my Jean pockets. As I admire what's around me. I never used to do that, but after today I feel like I should do it more. Today was probably the best day I've had with Aaliyah. Especially when we made the last minute eye contact under the many layers of thick leaves.

Yet through all those thick leaves I still managed to see the world in her eyes. A world that was once broken but has rebuilt itself through the process of self worth. But the thing is that her world hasn't fully orbited, she hasn't fully found herself yet but I knew she would eventually. I love when our eyes meet each other's, even if it's only for one second. Her eyes possessed so much more beauty than any other thing in her body, not because of their colour, even though they were beyond comprehensively beautiful, but because of all the words and stories that were told within them. Her eyes always told the truth even if her mouth told me lies like "I'm okay." She needed to know it was okay not to be okay sometimes, but she chooses to put up a barrier and not let anyone see the broken girl beneath the surface. And even if I did see her like that one day, I wouldn't dislike her one bit, it just meant she was...


I make my way over to my house and open my door with the silver key which reflected off the final lot of the suns presence. As soon as I walk in and shut my door I sit at my desk and get out my journal. I write down key words in which I think could contribute to the surprise which reflect off of today

•moments in time

I put the cap back on my pen and rest the bottom of my palms against my head as I feel my phone vibrate twice in my back pocket and i take it out. I see Aaliyahs name and my uni course number illuminate on my screen. My uni course had a group chat of all the friends I made so I open that one first

Harry mate. You have no clue how amazing the news is. We just found out and we feel second hand excitement!

At this point I was still confused about what the news was but I pushed that thought to the back of my head until Monday. I smile lightly as I open my text from Aaliyah

Hi Harry! Thanks for today. Sorry for the last minute thing about Raven and all that stuff... I hope you liked the forest! And I hope the pictures came out good too (I'm sure they did.) anyways, I'm not sure when I can see you again either, but even if it meant one day next weekend for an hour. Just anything.
Thanks for understanding about my scars. It means a lot to me to know someone cares. Have a good night Harry! x

Thank you for today too! I absolutely loved the forest. I'd love to see you next weekend, I have some news told to me in a couple days on my course, not too sure what it is. And thank you for telling me about them Aaly, it means a lot to me to know you trusted me to know. Sleep well ! x

At this point we both unintentionally put kisses at the end of our messages, I mean... friends do that right? I wasn't too sure where me and Aaliyah stood right now... but I was happy with where it was. It was a mutual relationship in which both of us had the same amount of respect for each other.

I looked at the black ink on my journal and smiled to myself as I realise it was all making sense and coming together. This surprise as I said, wasn't going to be massive. At all. But I hope it meant as much to Aaliyah as it does to me writing it.

Aaliyah Moreno

As I shut my phone off I put it on the edge of my bed as I stare but at my ceiling and exhale a deep sigh. I'm not sure why I sighed, it wasn't out of tiredness or annoyance. I think it was just a sigh of... processing. I was processing and recalling all the events that took place today. It caused me to smile and bite my lip gently as I realised how happy I was in this moment. I felt like nothing could upset or hurt me. I felt...


I felt as if this so called "second life" was supposed to happen. As if it happened for some sort of reason. I couldn't help but feel as if good things were coming. Not only with Harry but with me. I felt as if for the first time I had found myself and that I was happy with who I found.

I can thank myself for that partly, because I chose to accept it. But another person that helped me was...Harry. He helped me understand that my scars didn't define who I was now, but they were of a person who I used to be and that I've bettered myself since then.

I didn't feel like reading anymore of my book as I felt worn out so I decided to close my eyes for a little bit. I didn't know when I was going to see Harry again, but I'm excited for the news he gets, i don't even know what it is but I hope it was good... because he deserves it.


A/N: bit of a shorter chapter because I had majors writers block with this one so I apologise that it wasn't brilliant.

I've planned out my entire book, but I'm curious to see what you guys think:
•what do you think is in Harry's journal
•what do you think the news is Harry will get? (You find out next chapter!!)

Hope you're having a good day/night

I love you <3

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