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Aaliyah Moreno

I woke up to the half risen sun rays shining through my curtains. I feel the wind blow through the window as it plays with my hair. I swing my legs over to go open my curtains when I'm greeted with an orange half Risen sun and pastel coloured clouds drifting endlessly through the gentle sky. There was something always so fascinating about clouds I mean, they literally were a visible mass of condensed water vapour that just float around in the atmosphere. But what I really loved about them was that no two clouds are the same.

I decided to check the time. I go and grab my bedside table clock. I click the button at the top allowing the numbers to illuminate


"What" I whisper shout. Why I was up at this time I had no idea. The birds started to chirp outside reminding me that no matter what yesterday was like, birds always start the new day with a song and it brings me a peace of mind. I grab the dressing gown that's folded on the end of my bed and put it on and tying it loosely around my waist. I bring the excess coffee in the cup downstairs ensuring that I don't wake anyone up with each creak of the step. I lay the coffee in the sink gently so it doesn't cause any of the cutlery to clash together, and then I make my way outside.

As I gently open the door I am greeted with nothing but morning coldness and the reflection of dew drops that the sun made, bouncing off every piece of grass and every growing flower. I close the door behind me quietly and walk around the corner with my arms folded under one another for insulation. Around the corner I see my tyre swing attracted to our blossom tree that is being gently swayed by the wind.

I walk over and hop onto it causing it to swing with a bit more force. I found something so relaxing about swinging on it. I like to think of certain parts of life as a swing, you have to go backwards to learn from experiences and mistakes and then you have to move forward with patience and confidence in the hope that you'll succeed. With every swing I felt the wind brush against my cheeks and my hair blow behind my head.

The sun broke through each branch of the blossom tree causing the left side of my face to heat up slightly. I close my eyes and just take a deep breath and then out watching the world get further away, and then closer again. While I was swinging I still couldn't get Harry off my mind. I decided that I was going to go to the sunflower field again. Today. It wouldn't matter if he was there or not, I also just wanted to get out the house.

I run back through the grass as I feel it through my toes and on the souls of my feet. I forgot to put shoes on but it was okay. Sometimes I liked to do, what goes by the name, "earthing." The act of earthing refers to a physical connection between the electrical frequency's of the human body with that of the earths and the best way to do that was be barefoot on somewhere like grass or a beach. I didn't do it often but I ought to, it's really good for my mental health as it reminds me I'm meant to be here for a reason.

"Aaly!" I hear my little brother call out from the other side of the gate. He was finally home! He'd been at his childminders for the past couple days. He toddles up to me with his little chubby hands held up by his childminder as I run up to him and hold him under the arms while I swing him around. He always loved it when I did that, he always gave me a big smile which showed his little row teeth poking out. He always like to sit on the grass with me so I brought him over there.

"Thanks Steph!" I shout as she leaves

"Anytime kid!" She shouts back

I look back down at my little brother whose smiling at me with wide glossy eyes

"Hey Cayden!" I say as I hold his hands. He just replies back with a mixture of words in one. For a 1 year old he was speaking well, he just didn't know how to fully arrange a sentence yet and most of it was gibberish. But I always pretended like I understood, most of the time I was pretty good at guessing.

He lifts himself up on my knee and points up to the tree.

"Up!" He says as he squeezes his palms indicating he wants to touch the blossom tree.

"Okay okay" I say while chuckling. I lift him up by his arms as his fingertips brush by each piece of blossom, making him do a goofy laugh. I could see why he loved touching the blossom so much, it was soft. It was my favourite tree because of all the different shades of pinks and reds.

"Let's go see mummy?" I ask making him nod and giggle.

I carry him into the house as I make my way up the stairs with cayden on my hip as one hand supports me by holding the railing. He talks a lot of gibberish that my mum hears from her bedroom

"Mummy!" Cayden shouts and shifts his way out of my arms as I kneel down. He toodles over and struggles to get up onto her bed, my mums sat up reading her favourite book while her glasses rest on the bridge of her nose.

"Hi hun." My mum says as she squeezes my hand while hugging Cayden at the same time, who's head is resting on her chest as he snuggles his face Under her arm.

"Morning." I say as I hug her. I felt bad for the way I spoke to my parents yesterday. They didn't deserve it.

"I'm going to message raven to see if she wants to grab coffee and then I'm going to the sunflower fields." I say

"Again? But you went to the fields yesterday?" She asks with an eyebrow raised out of curiosity.

"It's a sunny day, no chance of rain so I might as well make the most of it."

She smiles lightly as she rubs Cayden's back.

"Curfew of 10:30pm please. That's even if you're out that late."

"I will be home before that. Pinky swear." I say as I interlock my pinky finger with hers.

I wave bye to my mum and brother as I make my way to my room to get changed. I saw Raven pretty much everyday, she's like the sister I never had. We went to the same café everyday without fail but it was okay, I really liked their ice coffee.

I make my way into my bedroom to get changed for the day. This time I put on a black strappy top that hugs my figure, and I put on some black high waisted jeans. I put on my favourite chequered trainers and grab my phone and car keys.



as long as it's beach wood then I'm in !!

done. I'll come pick you up x

I shut my phone off and put it in my back pocket. Our favourite café was one called "beachwood." We've gone there ever since we were 15 and have since loved it. I make my way down the stairs and hop into my car. I was always so excited to go to this place, let alone the sunflower fields.


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