Chapter 3

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Once they got back to camp, Saasha sat down on a log they had moved to act as a bench near the fire. "Would you like something to eat, kid?" Rex asked her. She nodded her head as her stomach started growling again. After Rex had fetched a packet of food, he gave it to her and sat on the log next to her. The clones were all gathered around the fire, talking amongst each other.

Kix was sitting on the same log as Saasha when he noticed a roll of bandages sticking out of Saasha's bag filled with the contents she had taken. "Kid, are you hurt?" She glanced at the bandages in her bag and then at her arm covered by the cloak she was still wearing. She pulled back her sleeve to reveal a nasty gash running down her forearm. "Can I look at it?" he asked. She nodded as Kix knelt in front of her to get a better view of the wound. "I'll be right back," he said as gently as he could after he finished inspecting the wound. He came back a couple of moments later with a bag, which he opened and pulled out a small bottle. "This will sting a bit okay," he warned. She nodded in response but slightly gritted her teeth once the liquid hit her wound. Kix worked as fast as possible to pour the liquid to disinfect the wound. He knew from experience; it was not pleasant. "There we go." He then put a cold substance that felt gooey on her gash. The cold substance didn't really bother her, though, as it didn't really sting. "Almost done, now I just need to bandage it," he said. She watched as the white roll of bandage made it's way around her wound and covered it up. As much as the disinfectant was not fun, her wound was already feeling slightly better. "Thank you," she said. "No problem, kid," Kix replied.

"Ah man," Hardcase whined as he set yet another marshmallow on fire while trying to roast it. "Hardcase, ever think the problem may be that you're putting the marshmallow directly in the flame?" Fives said as he pulled back a perfectly roasted marshmallow. "I thought if I put it in the fire, it would roast faster," Hardcase replied defensively. Saasha quietly giggled at the clone's bantering.

Not too long later, they decided to turn in for the night. They pulled out the sleeping bags and blankets, setting them around the fire to keep warm during the chilly Scarif night. Everyone soon fell fast asleep except for Jesse, who was on watch duty first.


She stepped out of her hut and saw the droids marching down the streets in her village. The red blaster fire painting the scene, followed by shouts and the sound of clanking metal.  She ran back into the hut, 'Saasha, you are gonna have to run,' her mother said as she quickly put some food and water in a brown bag for her. 'Mother, what's happening?' she asked, scared and confused. 'Something bad, sweetie, that is why you must run, run as far as you can and don't come back until you know they are gone, okay?' her mother said while pulling her into a tight embrace. 'What about you, mother, aren't you coming?' she said, tears forming in her eyes. 'No, sweetie, I can't, but I want you to know that I love you so much, okay? You understand?' 'Yes, mother, I understand. I love you too,' she said, hugging her mother again. 'Remember, always follow the light, no matter what happens. Do you promise?' her mother said, stroking her long hair and kissing her on the top of her head. 'I promise, mother. Will I ever see you again?' she asked, feeling her mother's gentle fingers run through her long hair. 'Yes, sweetie, we will see each other again.' she promised, 'Now go, Saasha.' And with that, she ran out of her hut and into the jungle as fast as she could. As she was running, her arm scarped against a sheet of metal used as a tabletop in one of the market booths. She bit her lip so she wouldn't make any noise, as that would draw more attention to herself. She dodged between people of her village, defending themselves. Once she reached the jungle, she could no longer feel the light her mother gave off. She knew it wasn't the distance between them that had anything to do with it. She would still be able to feel the warm light from her mother. 'No,' she whispered to herself, tears running down her cheeks. She wanted to scream. She wanted to go back and see if her mother was alright, even though she knew the answer. But she was frozen and could not feel her mother anymore, no matter how hard or deep she searched. She stood in the bushes. Minutes passed before she was able to move again. Every inch of her body wanted to go and help her village, but she couldn't. Her mother specifically told her to run, so that is what she must do. She sprinted into the jungle, leaving salty tears in the Scarif soil.


I saw this meme, and it SENT ME, so I thought I'd share! I saw it on Pinterest, and I'm not sure who to credit, but it does not belong to me.

I saw this meme, and it SENT ME, so I thought I'd share! I saw it on Pinterest, and I'm not sure who to credit, but it does not belong to me

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