Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

 “Marcie, Kay — Anna, you made it!” Matt says, greeting us with a little more enthusiasm than I’m used to, leaving me second guessing my choice of clothing. Matt leans over, gives Marcie a quick kiss on the cheek making her instantly blush. She’s happy. I wonder how long it'll take to feel like that again. The Sweet Anna Bananas are doing a decent job at lightening my spirits for the moment, but I know it won’t last.

“Hey, Anna,” Jared says, coming up behind Matt, wearing faded jeans and a grey hoody. My good mood suddenly turns to panic as I furiously button up my black knit sweater in an attempt to shield myself. He watches me fiddle with a button and smiles. “You look great. Sorry I didn’t see you at the prom last night. I hope you’re doing all right.” Why does he have to be so nice to me? Do I pretend and keep him hanging? Or do I tell him how I really feel?

“Thanks, Jared.” I mutter, giving him the best fake smile I can muster. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.  I give Marcie’s hand a squeeze, signaling to her the awkwardness of the situation.  I know Jared likes me, but I just don’t feel anything for him. He really is a sweet guy and a part of me wishes I did have feelings for him. I mean, Jared would be a pretty easy guy to like, and maybe that’s the problem. Most girls my age would give anything to trade places with me—most girls my age haven’t lost their entire family either. Perhaps if I knew he just wanted to be friends, I would feel more comfortable around him…

“Did you guys want to get a drink?” Matt asks, nodding his head further down the beach where a group of bottles lie embedded in the sand and hidden from passersby. The police will normally drive by and check in on us. They know what’s going on, but because the seniors from previous years haven’t caused any serious trouble, they never bother to come down and inspect the beach. 

“Sure.” Marcie beams and trades my hand for Matt’s, letting him lead her down the beach.

I watch them go and when I turn to look at Jared, I find him smiling back at me. Great. Why doesn’t he get that I don’t like him? Maybe because you keep leading him on, Anna, so why wouldn’t he think anything different? I suppose he is kind of cute with his brown eyes, floppy brown hair and hockey player stature. I should be lucky that Jared likes me. I should be lucky that anyone wants to spend time with me.

“Did you want to get a drink with them?” he asks, kicking at the sand with his bare feet, making me think he’s just as nervous as I am. I can’t imagine why.

“Umm, sure,” I reply. I know I probably shouldn’t have another drink, but I’m trying to keep my responsible self on the sidelines tonight. I remind myself that I’m here to have fun with the people I’ve gone to school with for the past three years. After all, this might be the last time I get to see them.

Jared digs into the ice filled cooler and hands me a strawberry daiquiri flavored cooler before getting himself a beer. We mingle with a few of his friends before strolling over to the fire where we find a place to sit and sip our drinks. I don’t know what to say to him. This whole situation is becoming more awkward by the second and I’m incredibly thankful when Kia, a girl from my biology class, offers us some marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers to make s'mores.

“Where are you going in the fall?” Kia asks, munching on her smore. Pieces of marshmallow stick to her fingers and she wipes her hand on her denim shorts.

“I’m going to U of T with Marcie,” I answer. "We're really looking forward to it and—." Wait, I think, before saying anymore. What if I can’t go to U of T like I planned? What if I’ll be in Everly? Do they even have schools there? My mind is swirling from the present to the future. I’ve always been the type to plan my life—to know where I’m going and where I’ll end up. But after last night, I don’t have a plan anymore, and I don’t know where I’m going or what will become of me.

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