Chapter 6

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"Thanks again Dan for taking me home, you've honest saved me a thirty dollar Uber ride." I mumbled while running my hand nervously through my hair. Lucky for me, Daniel was about to head out to meet up with some friends and my apartment just happened to be on his way. Had he not, I probably would have ended up taking the bus, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

He chuckled, "No problem Dani, it's the lease I could do." He paused, smacking his lips in the process. "Plus, I know my sister is a bitch to you and one of us has to be the good twin."

I smiled for a second before remembering how she basically threw me out of the house, all because she was sick of listening to me. I sighed and glanced over at him. "Do you think what I'm doing is good idea? Being away from Viviana?" I asked, nervous for his answers.

He took a quick glance over at me before turning his attention to the road, "Honestly, Daniella, I think it's a horrible idea." I once again sighed and rubbed my faced in disappointment. Daniel quickly noticed this and continued on what he had to say. "Had you done this a couple of years ago, I think it would have been fine idea and good for your relationship with Vivi, but a year before your wedding Dani? Problems are doom to happen."

Silence filled the car, Daniel was right, just like everyone else. I should have done this years ago, right after returning from the year in Italy, I should have taken a year off from the Mafia and Viviana right then and there, but now was an awful time to do so. I mean, the invitations had already been sent out for our wedding and here I was alway from my fiancée, trying to have a normal life.

After about ten minutes of silence, I finally spoke up again, "What do you think I should do?"

He sighed as well, "I can't tell you want to do, it's your life and I can't tell you how to live it." Just then, we pulled up to a red light and he turned to me, "But if things are still not working out for you within two weeks, go back home and to Viviana. Because if she or anyone else in your family realizes you haven't found a job or anything, and that you're miserable, they'll drag you back home no matter what."

I gasped and quickly slapped his arm, and I got a chuckle from him in return. "Hey! I never said I was miserable!"

He laughed, and started to accelerate for the light turned green. "Dani, you came to see my sister, that proves my point."

I huffed before crossing my arms across my chest, "It's hard to make friends when you've sheltered your entire life and don't have a job." I paused and groaned. "Do you think Isabella will hire me? She's the only person I know who would hire me."

Daniel shook his head, "No, she won't. Azula already threaten to leave Dallas if Mom even thought about hiring you. And you know Mom, she might love you, but she doesn't want Azula leaving and potentially going to the dark side as she likes to call it."

"Would you? Surely you need help with the books and stuff." I begged. If there is one thing I forgot to mention, Daniel owns his own brewery. Granted it was given to him by Rico since he couldn't be part of the Mafia, Rico decided to give him a brewery in hopes of doing business with the Mafia. While Isabella was against the idea for the longest time, she eventually came around once she learn that Daniel was doing business completely legal with the Mafia and he never gave a family discount or anything. In reality, she liked what he was doing because he was taking money away from the mafia.

Daniel once again shook his head, "Azula basically threaten to kill me if I did that and she said she would burn down the brewery if I secretly hired you. I love you Dani, but I'm not putting my workers at risk of losing work because of my sister."

"I know." I mumbled. "I just don't know what to do at this point."


After another week of nothing, I was about ready to give up. No company wanted me, and rent for the month took a large dent out of my account along with the internet, electrical, and water bill. Money was only being taken out of my account and nothing was being put back in.

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