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˜"*°• She Was There •°*"˜

"Remind me again why I'm here?"

(Y/n) sighed for the umpteenth time, she rubbed temples and groaned when she felt something tight on her stomach.

"For the last time, Leyuse. We are here on a mission."

Her subordinate, Akuma, answered for her, as he could tell that his superior was already getting irritated.

"Yeah I know that, dumbass." He argued back.

"If you know that, then why would you asked it?!"

Leyuse covered his ears and both men glared at each other, (Y/n) on the other hand, simply wanted to die at the moment.

"What I meant is that, why do I have to be here?!" The ravenette yelled back at his colleague.


"Jesus fuck! Will both of you shut up?!"

Both of them, let out a startled gasp— well, Leyuse let out a strained shriek.

And then the atmosphere fell silent.

The (h/c)-nette let out a breath of relief. She smiled and nodded at Harper.

"Thank you, Harper."

She nodded at him in acknowledgement, his golden eyes softened as he stared her.

But once hardened as he stared back at their 'lackeys', as he would like to call them.

"We've only walked for a mile and you're already pissing off everyone!"

Leyuse and Akuma both bowed their heads and repeatedly apologized to their seniors.

Harper glared at them one last time, before rolling his eyes and proceeded to walk ahead of them.

(Y/n) groaned, "I wanna get this corset off me..."

The corset on her stomach did not soothe the pain, in fact it was the reason why she was so cranky at the moment.

Akuma scoffed at the ravenette before catching up to his senior, "Sorry about him, (Y/n)-senpai."

"His parents orphaned him due to his mind being not fully developed." He smiled.


"But I wish to ask, (Y/n)-senpai."

She hummed and encourage him to continue, to which he did.

"How are you feeling tonight?" His voice was full of concern.

(Y/n) forced a smile, "I'll be alright, Aku-kun. You need not to worry about."

The red head eyed her closely and he could figure out she wasn't telling the truth, Akuma sighed.

"Is this about that corset or is it because you didn't want to be here?"

She chuckled, "As expected from a junior master detective." To which he blushed at the praise.

"W-Well that's only because I h-have an amazing teacher." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Smooth~" Leyuse mocked.

Akuma blushed furiously, he gritted his teeth and glared at him.

"Shut up you mongrel!"

(Y/n) nervously chuckled and softly patted his back.

"Now now, we wouldn't want Grumpy Sharpie scolding the both of you again now, would we?"

And both, surprisingly, shut up. (Y/n) smiled at this and her mind wandered off to Akuma's question earlier.

"To answer your question, Aku-kun,"

His gaze lingered on her figure.

"I guess both. I am uncomfortable with this corset and I'm thirsty for some milk right now."

"I see."

"But then again, I have no choice."

A few minutes later, (Y/n) and her division finally made it to their destination.

"Fucking finally."

Harper glared at Leyuse, who immediately avoided his gaze.

His senior shook his head in disappointment before turning to face the (h/c)-nette.

"Scout the area, (Y/n) and I will take everything from here."

With a nod, all of them hastily scattered themselves throughout the sector.

"(Y/n) and I will take everything from here," She playfully scoffed, "You mean, I'm gonna do all the work."

Harper sneered, "As if I'd let you have all the credits."

(Y/n) giggled as being with her fellow colleague, helped ease her aching stomach.

"Does it still hurt?"

She shook her head and stared at the large mansion infront of them. "Not anymore, now that I'm with you." She winked.

"I'm glad my presence could help." He quickly looked away, his cheeks glowed a faint red hue.

Harper cleared his throat and proceeded to get back to the task at hand.

"We must not dawdle any longer, let's get this over with."

(Y/n) sighed, what a shame.

She had really thought she could stall some time for the family to escape, but she guess, it was written in their fates to die.

That was when she felt pity brewing inside her, but it was nothing major and there was nothing she could do now.

"Leave no one spared?"

"Leave no one spared."

"Not even a newborn?"

"Not even a newborn."

Welp, she tried.

She'll be heavily punished if she tried something stupid, but then again she had done plenty of stupid stuff in the past.

"Do what you must, Harper."

He nodded and took the first move.




"Ability: To Kill a Mockingbird."

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