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˜”*°• She Was There •°*”˜

"Stop squirming."

"Kunikida...I-I don't think I— ah~!"

"Just let me finish—"

The blonde groaned as he struggled to keep her in place.

"B-But it's so tight~! Ah!"

(Y/n) placed her hands on the wall, as, she as was struggling to keep her ground.

She could feel the tightness on her stomach, forming.

"I'm almost done."

Beads of sweat both formed on their bodies, their breathing was slightly ragged.

The (h/c)-nette bit her lower lip, she was slowly losing her composure.

He grunted as he pulled her close to him, and she arched her back. With Kunikida finally pulling the last string and she yelped in pain.


With one last tug, he pulled back and (Y/n) dropped on to the ground.

"I still don't understand why she has to wear that corset." Haruno spoke, her voice latched with worry.

Kunikida spared the brunette a glance before he turned to the woman on the ground and carried her bridal style.

He gently set her down on the sofa and he eyed her for a bit.

"Looks like you're personal stylist is being dramatic again."

"She's always dramatic."

(Y/n) heaved a sigh, well, at least she tried to.

The corset she was currently wearing was preventing her from breathing normally.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)-san?" Haruno asked.

The (h/c)-nette smiled at the brunette and nodded her head, "I will be."

She huffed and tried to adjust the tight corset on her stomach, Kunikida saw her troubles and he found it cute.

Unaware of the blush that was crawling on his cheeks.

Haruno merely smiled at this and shook her head in a manner of tease. Honestly, she wouldn't blame him.

(Y/n) was born with the gifts of beauty, Haruno wouldn't be surprised if the whole world would be attracted to her.

The brunette giggled, who wouldn't be? She thought.


Suddenly, the door burst opened startling the olive eyed girl in the room.

(Y/n) and Kunikida, however, remained unfazed by them, for it was expected.


Three heads pop-up and shamelessly threw themselves at her, she nervously giggled as she prepared for the impact.

But to her surprise, Kunikida was quick to pull her to safety and on his lap.

And the three of them, landed on an empty spot on the sofa.

Haruno watched and visibly flinched when their faces collided on the furniture.

"Uh, are you all alright?"

(Y/n) asked, worry was her tone. She was about to reach a hand to feel if they were still breathing—


But before she could even blink, a hand sneakily made its way on to her waist and Kunikida was then roughly shoved to the side.

And the next thing she knew, Ranpo's head was already on her lap.

Naomi was right beside her, enveloping her in a tight embrace and Kenji was hugging her from behind.

(Y/n) blinked once, twice, her mind was trying to comprehend what had happened.


"Oh, (Y/n)-chan! I missed you!" Naomi exclaimed.

"We thought you would leave us again!" Kenji added.

Ranpo hummed and nodded in agreement with their statements.

(Y/n) let out a soft sigh and had almost forgotten the fact that Kunikida was roughly shoved to the side, groaning in pain.

"Oh my darlings, I would never leave you."

She softly patted the black haired girl's head, while caressing Kenji's cheek with the other.

All the while, switching routines to give the man on her lap some attention.

Whilst the blonde groaned and slowly stood up from where he was rudely thrown.

He glared at the three for shoving him aside, with a hint of jealousy.

"You bastards!"

He gritted his teeth and as he was about to give them a piece of his mind, a hand on his shoulder prevented him from doing so.


He turned to face whoever stopped him and his bearing completely change.

"Fukuzawa-dono." Kunikida bowed.

As he announced his arrival, everyone stood up to greet their Director. All, except Ranpo and (Y/n)— who couldn't move due to the former.

She could feel Yuki's eyes fixated on her, so she stared back at his.

She softly giggled and waved a hand.

"Hello, Yukichi."

Normally, she would call him by the nickname she gave him.

But, (Y/n) knows deep down that she's in trouble.

And she knows Yuki could smell her anxiety, figuratively speaking that is.

Fukuzawa stood still, his stern eyes lingered on (Y/n) and Ranpo for a moment, and he could've sworn he saw the (h/c)-nette gulped, before averting his eyes back to the blonde.




"What is it that Dazai had sent you?"

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