Chapter 3

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Your POV

As soon as the bell sounded announcing the start of 2nd hour I jumped up, I had herbology with Gryffindor but I needed to give Snape the vials of the Draught of Peace he asked me to brew over the break.

I slowly open the door to Snape's classroom. Snape snaps his head up from his desk. "Hello Y/N, you missed my lesson." I nodded, "I needed time to calm down sir," he stood and walked around his desk. "You only missed a lecture, and I assigned a 10 inch essay on poisons due this Friday, but I assume you're here for other reasons." I nodded and pulled out the vials and my recipe. "Yes sir, I also edited the recipe." I handed him the vials and journal.

He set the vials on his desk behind him and flipped through the book examining my notes. "Flawless," he shut the journal handing it back to me. "Now, I'll test your potion and get back to you. I believe you have Herbology, get going." I put my journal in my bag, "yes Professor. Thank you!" I turned and hurried out of the dungeons and ran through the crowded corridors to get to Herbology, whispers following me.

I walked into the courtyard and saw my friends and family all in a circle by our tree. Draco caught my eye and grinned widely. I smiled back and made my way over to them, people parting as I passed. I joined them and the twins each slung and arm around me. They each ruffled my hair, "here she is!" George said proudly, "yes! Our knight in shining armor!" Fred finished for him.

I grinned at the two of them and glanced around at my friends. Percy was looking at me with hate, "oh piss off Percy! She insulted us! She had it coming!" He just scoffed at me and stormed off. I rolled my eyes and Ron smiled, "your a little scary sometimes. Brilliant, but scary!" I shook my head and Harry and Draco both examined me with concern, "did she get you?" Draco asked while stepping towards me. "Nope, nothing that Madame Pomfrey couldn't fix."

His face relaxed as he smiled, "and your punishment?" I smiled and crossed my arms, "just detention with Lockhart." Hermione squealed, "lucky!" I raised an eyebrow and she regained her composure, "what you got off lucky!" I smiled, "nice cover up fan girl!" The twins smiled at me and told us they had to go to class. The five of us began to walk to Herbology.

We entered the greenhouse, the smell of plants and fresh air filled my nose. The green house was fairly small, the far wall was covered in vines and leaves. There was a long metal table that took up most of the greenhouse, which was covered with plants. Students were crowded around the table I stood next to Draco and Neville, we fastened the cream coloured robes over our uniforms.

Professor Sprout waddled in her robes covered in dirt. "Good morning everyone!" Everyone stopped talking and she tapped her wand on the table, "Morning Everyone!" She said a bit louder this time, "Morning Professor Sprout!" The class echoed.

"Welcome to green house three second years! Now gather round everyone, today we are going to repop mandrics!" She turned and grabbed a pot setting it in front of her. "Now who here can tell me the properties of the Mandric Root!" Hermione and I raised our hands into the air.

"Yes, Miss. Granger!" Hermione took a deep breath, "Mandric or Mandrigora, is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state." Sprout nodded, "anything else?" I shot my hand into the air, "Miss.Weasley?" I put my hand down, "it's also quite dangerous. The Mandric's cry if fatal to anyone who hears it!" "Excellent! 10 points to each of you!"

The Slytherins and Gryffindors all smiled at eachother then at the two of us. "Now as our Mandrics are still only seedlings their cry won't kill you yet, but they can knock you out for several hours. Which is why I've given each of you a pair of earmuffs!" I grabbed the pair in front of me, they were plain black. "So could you please put them on right away!" Everyone put on their earmuffs and I noticed that Blaise was stuck with a pair of pink fuzzy ones.

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