Chapter 4

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Your POV

Harry and I were on our way to Lockhart's detention. We entered the room and he had a whole bunch of letters piled on his desk with two extra chairs pulled up.

"You two will be helping me answer my fan mail, can you think of a better way to serve detention?" I could think of a few but Harry shook his head, "no sir."

We were in there so long my hand began to cramp up, "Fame is a fickle thing you two! Celebrity is as celebrity does." I shake my head and turn back to the letter I was answering but stop short when Harry grips my arm, "that voice do you hear that?" I shake my head and Lockhart looks up, "sorry?" "Didn't you hear it?"

Lockhart looked around, "I think your getting a bit uh drowsy." He looks at his watch, "great scott no wonder! Look at the time we've been here nearly four hours. Spooky how the time flies when ones having fun." Harry looks around and let's go of my arm, "spooky..."


Once Lockhart finally lets us go Harry and I make our way to the great hall. Harry stops short, "I hear it again!" He walks up to the walk and puts his ear to it, he starts to follow it speeding up as he does. I follow him, if he hears something that can't be good. We turn the corner and I run into Draco, literally.

I jump back, "sorry." "Can you hear it!" Ron looks confused, "hear what?" Harry looks around, "that voice!" Hermione looks at me, "voice what voice?" I shake my head and shrug. "I heard it first in Lockhart's office and then again...." I glance at them and they all look at Harry worry etched deep into their faces. "It's moving! I think it's going to kill!" Harry runs past us and we all follow.

"Kill?" "Harry wait! Not so fast!" We run into a corridor that has water on the floor. I hear splashing and I look down, and Harry begins to walk again I hurry to catch up as the others enter the corridor. I put my hand out to stop them when I see a trail of spiders, "strange I've never seen spiders act like that."

Ron whimpers, "I don't like spiders." I rub a circle on his back, "sorry bub!" Draco grips my arm, "what's that?" He points at the floor and I can see a reflection of red words. I look up at the wall and it's my turn to grab Draco's hand.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware." I read aloud and Hermione looks disgusted, "it's written in blood." "Oh no!" I follow Harry's gaze and see what looked like a stuffed cat hanging from the torch post. He walks towards it and Hermione clings to my side. "It's Filches cat!"

I hear foot steps and I let go of Draco's hand and turn to see the hall fill with students from each side. They left a large circle around us. People gasp and girls scream. "Enemies of the heir beware?" Blaise turns to Hermione. "You'll be next Mudblood!" I wrench from Hermione's grasp and start towards him but someone grabs my hand and pulls me back. "Draco..." I mutter, "let. me. go." He tightens his grip on my hand, "no."

"What's going on here?" Filches voice boomed throughout the corridor. "Go on make way make way!" He walked through the crowd and up to Harry, "Potter," he spat. "What you-" his eyes drifted up and he caught sight of the cat. "Mrs- Mrs- Norris!" His lip trembled and he looked down at Harry. "You murdered my cat!" Harry shook his head. "No no!"

Filch's eye were full of such sorrow and hatred as he grabbed Harry's shoulders. "I'll kill ya!" "Argus!" Dumbledore and a few other professors made their way through the crowd. "Argus-" Dumbledore seemed to have noticed the message on the wall. "Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately!"

Draco began to pull me towards the dungeons but Dumbledore stops us, "everyone but you five." I sigh, "it's always us isn't it Drac?" He nodded and we turned back around. Lockhart approached the cat. Dumbledore looks around calmly, "she is not dead Argus, she has been petrified."

The Odd One Out: YEAR TWO.    //COMPLETE//                      {draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now