Chapter 7

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Your POV

We sat in the hospital wing. Ron sat on Hermione's side and Harry sat on Draco's. I alternated between the two, as I switched the flowers on Draco's bedside I turned to Hermione.

"I wish you were here Mione, we need you now more then ever." I grabbed her hand, I felt something odd so I released her hand and looked down. There was a piece of crumpled up parchment. Confused I grabbed it and began to uncrumple it.

"What is that?" Ron asked as he peered over. I just stood, "Holy Crap! I remember! Lets go!" I ran out and the boys followed me.

We walked down the corridors, "I remember what the monster is. On our way to our quidditch game I talked to Hermione about the monster but with everything going on I forgot what we thought it was. Draco and Mione went to the library to do more research!" I looked down at the parchment and began to read it aloud.

"Many fearsome beasts roam our land, but none more deadly than the basilisk. Instant death awaits any who meets this giant serpents eye. Spiders flee before it," I look up. "Boys this is it! The monster is a basilisk! That's why only Harry can hear it speak! It's a snake!" Ron looked a bit confused.

"But if it kills by looking people in the eye, how come no one's dead?" Harry looked at the window and by the look on his face he came to the same realization as I did. "Because no one did look it in the eye. Not directly at least." We began to walk again and I began to speak rapidly.

"Colin's saw it through his camera, Justin must have seen it through nearly headless Nick! Nick got the full blast of it but he's a ghost he couldn't die again! Hermione and Draco had my mirror! I bet you anything they were using it to look around corners in case it came along." Harry nodded but Ron had another question.

"What about Mrs. Norris? She didn't have a camera or a mirror." I thought for a moment, "there was water on the floor that night." "She only saw the basilisks reflection Ron!" Ron looked at the paper, "but how has the basilisk been getting around? A dirty great snake someone must have seen it!"

I hit my forehead, "the pipes! Harry can hear it through walls, and the girl died in a bathroom." My mouth fell open in realization, "what if the girl who died in the bathroom... What if she never left?!" Harry's eyes widened, "moaning Myrtle!" I nodded.

"All students need to return to their house dormitories at once! All teachers to the second floor corridor immediately!" McGonagall's voice boomed through the speakers. The three of us looked at eachother and came to a silent agreement. We all headed to the second floor corridor.

"As you can see," McGonagall said as all the teachers arrived. We hid behind a pillar. "The heir of Slytherin has left another message. Our worst fear has been realized! A student has been taken by the monster inside the chamber itself. The students must be sent home. I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts." I looked at the boys sadly as Lockhart walked up to the teachers.

"So sorry, I dozed off what have a missed?" He said with a cheery attitude that didn't match the sad situation. Snape began to speak, "a girl has been snatched by the monster Lockhart. Your moment has come at last." His demeanor changed. "M-my mo-moment?" "Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the chamber of secrets is?" I could hear the dislike seeping through Snape's voice.

Lockhart just stared at Snape. "Well that's settled," McGonagall cut in. "We will leave you to deal with the monster Gilderoy, your skills after all are legend." Lockhart was quiet for a moment, "very well. I'll just be in my office uh... getting ready!" He smiled a bit then turned and hurried off. Madame Pomfrey turned to McGonagall, "who is it the monster has taken Minerva?" "Ginny weasley."

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