Chapter 6

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***Week or so later***

Ron, Draco, Hermione and I were walking through the corridor, on our way to the quidditch pitch to watch Gryffindor play Hufflepuff. I stopped and grabbed Hermione. The boys stop a few feet in front of us and turn looking very confused "Mione! Hear me out, Harry is a parsel-mouth right?" She nods, "yeah what's your point?" "Well Harry can hear a voice... that no one else can hear right before an attack." Her eyes widened, "you don't mean..." I nod, "I'll head to the library!"

She shook her head, "no you and Ron stay here and watch to make sure Harry doesn't get hurt, Draco and I will go to the library." I tuck a curl behind my ear, "okay take this." I pull out my hand mirror and shove it in her hand. "Drac! Go with Mione to the library." He nods and they walk off "be safe!" "We will!" We turn and head towards the quidditch pitch, stopping at the Gryffindor common room on the way.

Once we get in the stands about 30 minutes later Ron looks at me, "so Twinkle..." I raise an eyebrow, "yeah?" He smiles, "you ready to hand over the quidditch cup?" I laugh, "nah. But I won't need to-" McGonagall rushed onto the field and places her wand to her throat.

"This quidditch match has been cancelled!" Her voice ran through the pitch. Harry stood by her and Ron and I exchanged nervous glances and rushed down to them.

"Good I was just about to go looking for you two." She held a piece of rolled up parchment in her hand. "I need the three of you to follow me." We nod and follow her off the field, she leads us through the school and into the hospital wing.

"I warn you, this may be a wee bit of a shock." She leads us behind a curtain, where madame Pomfrey stands over another petrified student. I look closely and she it's Hermione. I feel tears well up in my eyes as I rush to her side. I hear the boys approach behind me. "Hermione!" Ron's voice is barely a whisper and I grab Hermione's hand.

A thought hits me, a terrible one. I let go of Hermione's hand fighting off tears that threatened to fall. "Professor, where i-is Draco?" She looks at me sadly and draws two curtains. I see Draco's petrified body and I let out a sob and rushed to his side placing my hand on his chest. "Drac-" I don't fight the tears now as they spill out I grip Draco's robes and cry into his stone cold chest.

I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I slowly sit up wiping the tears. "Y/N dear," Professor McGonagall said, "Hermione had this, does it mean anything?" She was holding up my hand mirror. "I-its mine, I let h-here borrow it." She hands it back to me and I set it on the nightstand and turn back to Draco.

I throw my hands around his neck and cry, letting out terrible heart broken sobs. I don't stop until I feel a hand on my back, I whip around and hug Ron. Crying into his chest. He rubs my back softly, "shhh, Twinkle it's going to be alright." I pull myself up wiping my nose with a tissue he handed me, silent tears falling down my face.

"McGonagall wipes a tear from her eye, "I'll talk to professors Dumbledore and Snape to see if I can arrange for you to stay in Gryffindor tower. Since you're so distraught, you obviously need family." I nod weakly and she turns and strides out of the room.

I look up at Harry he holds his arms out, "do you need another hug?" I nod as more tears flow and I hug him tightly. "I-its my f-fault! If I hadn't had a s-stupid idea they wouldn't be h-here r-right n-now!"

Ron walks up to us and I release Harry and look down at my feet. Ron grabs my hand, "it's not your fault! I'll kill whoever opened the chamber!" I just sat down in the chair to numb with pain and shock to say anything else.

A few minutes later Professors McGonagall, Snape, and Dumbledore enter the hospital wing. I look up at them my face red and streaked with tears.

Dumbledore looked down at me sympathy shining in his eyes. "After careful consideration, we decided to let you stay in Gryffindor tower with your family." I slowly stand, sniffling a bit. "T-thank you professors."

The Odd One Out: YEAR TWO.    //COMPLETE//                      {draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now