Chapter 9

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As I rode the moving stairs down I slipped off my shoe and took off my knee high sock and folded it up placing it into the journal. I shoved my shoe back on just as the stairs stopped moving.

I saw Lucius and Dobby walking a little ways down the corridor. I started running, "Mr. Malfoy!" He didn't turn so I tried once more, "MR. MALFOY!" That did the trick because he stopped and turned.

"I have something of yours." I shoved the journal ino his gloved hand. "Mine? I don't know what you're talking about." I crossed my arms doing my best to hide my exposed leg. "Oh I think you do sir. I know that you slipped the diary into Ginny's cauldron, that day in Diagon Alley."

"You do? Do you." He took a step closer to me, "why don't you prove it?" He thrusted the diary at Dobby. "While your at it, tell Draco that he is no longer welcome in the manor." He straighten back up, "he is no son of mine." I bit my lip and he turned. "Come Dobby."

Dobby went to leave, "open it!" I hissed and Dobby slowly flipped open the journal to reveal the sock. Dobby's large green eyes lit up. "Dobby!" Lucius said and he stopped inclining his head to the left and slightly downwards.

"Master has given Dobby a sock!" "What?! I didn-" his voice faltered when he saw the journal. "Master has presented Dobby with clothes!" Dobby grabbed the sock clutching it tightly. "Dobby is free!" He looked at me and I pushed back my robes revealing my leg.

"You lost me my servent!" He unsheathed his wand and pointed it at me. He slowly approached me and Dobby stood in front of me. "You shall not harm Y/N Weasley!" He put his arm out as Lucius raised his wand. "Avada-" Dobby thrust his hand out and a silver light shoot out of it making the Malfoy fly backwards.

I smiled as Dobby crossed his arms triumphantly. Lucius stood, "your mother was a meddlesome fool too! You mark my words, someday soon you will reach the same sticky end!" He pointed at me before turning on his heel and marching out of the castle.

Dobby turned back at me, "Y/N Weasley saved Dobby, how can Dobby ever repay her?" I looked down at him, "just promise me one thing Dobby." He smiled up at me, "anything!" "Never try to save mine or Harry's life again." He smiled sheepishly before snapping his fingers and disappearing.


Later that night I sat in between Harry and Ron at the feast to welcome back all of the petrified students who still haven't arrived. I looked like a Weasley again so I wouldn't raise confusion.

Once I went to Dumbledore's office after I freed Dobby he told me that after the petrified students and Hagrid and arrived he would call me up to the professors table and explain everything to the school and then later the ministry. He also revealed my mothers first name, Elise.

I tried to distract myself by talking to Neville. He glanced towards the entrance and then smiled, "y/n! It's Hermione." I whipped my head towards the door and saw Hermione standing there smiling wide. The boys followed my lead and I jumped out of my seat, Hermione started running towards me and I ran towards her.

We met in the middle hugging eachother tightly. I felt my eyes go wet with tears of joy as the boys joined our side. I released her and she then hugged Harry. She went to hug Ron but hesitated and he just stammered, "uh- welcome...welcome back Hermione," they shook hands. She said something that I didn't hear because a patch of blond hair caught my eye.

"Draco!" I cried a little louder than intended because the hall went quiet and watched as the two of us ran at eachother. I threw my arms around him and a tear trailed down my cheek as we swayed back and forth in the hug.

"I missed you so much Drac." I said in his ear and he hugged me tighter. "I'm sorry I left." I released him but kissed his cheek he blushed a bit and the whole hall gasped and some of the girls giggle while others shrieked. I glanced up and saw the teachers especially Snape smiling down at us some where even talking and by the looks of it making bets.

The Odd One Out: YEAR TWO.    //COMPLETE//                      {draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now