Chapter 5

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The great hall was now set up with a long large table with a blue banner with moons and stars draped over it. Stairs were placed on both ends so people could easily get up on the table.

Everyone who wanted to attend the first meeting of the dueling club crowded around the table. I had my forearm on Draco's shoulder and leaned on him while chewing on a sugar quill. "Gather Round! Gather Round!" The stragglers that were lounging about ran up and clung around the table.

Lockhart strode down the table like it was a runway. "Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me?" He caught Harry's eye and smiled at him. I sighed and leaned into Draco's ear, "this ought to be good." He snickered and we looked back up at the professor.

"In light of the dark events of recent weeks, professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club. To train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves, as I myself have done on countless occasions. For more details see my published works." I rolled my eyes as he pulled his cloak off and threw it into the crowd. The girls in the back swooned and giggled as someone caught it.

Draco leaned down, "he is so full of it." I nodded and he went on. "Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape!" He held his hand out towards the other side of the table and I watched as Snape slowly rised up to the table. "This is gonna be great." I whisper to Draco while smiling.

"He has sportingly agreed to help me, but I don't want any of you youngsters to worry. You'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him." I scoffed. They met halfway both rising their wands in between their eyes then snapping them back down. Snape gave him a look that could kill.

The bowed and each took ten steps then whipped around, each in a fighting stance. Lockhart began to count, "1,2,3" Before he could cast a spell Snape had already begun. "Expelliarmus!" He thrusted his wand at Lockhart causing him to fly backwards. Draco and I busted out laughing, others soon joining. I grabbed onto Draco's shoulder to keep my balance while clutching my side.

Hermione simply gasped, "do you think he's alright?" Ron snickered, "who cares?" Lockhart pulled himself up and started walking towards Snape, "an excellent idea to show them that professor Snape but if you don't mind me saying it was pretty obvious what you were about to do. If I wanted to stop you it would have been too easy-" "Perhaps it would be prudent to first show the students how to block unfriendly spells, Professor." Snape interupted him and I finally regained my composer, leaning back on Draco.

"That just made my year," Draco nodded while smiling slightly, "best thing ever!" We stopped talking when Lockhart called, " Potter, Mr Weasley how about you?" They started towards the stage but Snape stopped Ron. "Weasley's wand causes devestation with the simplest of spells, we will be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a match box." Ron glared at Snape, "might I suggest someone from my own house? Zabini perhaps?" Snape turned on one heel and jutted his thumb behind him and Zabini crawled onto the stage.

The teachers stood at the edge of the table Snape on Zabini's side, Lockhart on Harry's. The boys met each other in the middle raising their wands just as the two professors did moments before. "Scared Pottah?" Harry stared him dead in the eye, "you wish." I smirked as they flung their wands out. They barely nodded their head and turned taking ten steps.

"On the count of three cast your charms to disarm your opponent, only to disarm!" Lockhart began to count. "One. Two-" Blaise casted his spell, "Tarantallegra!" he thrusted his wand at Harry causing him to fly into the air, doing a few flips before landing on his back. I leaned forward but Harry got up and casted his spell, "rectumsempra!" Blaise flew back landing hard on his bum. Snape pulled him up and whispered something in his ear before shoving him back.

The Odd One Out: YEAR TWO.    //COMPLETE//                      {draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now