the scaf

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I don't know why but something seems different about him like for example he wasn't as aggressive as he was in my past life cause if he was he would have yelled at me and shake me he seemed more upset at himself than me right now his even gently cleaning my cuts even though he threw my pill bottle in the lake that simply means I'll have no sleep tonight even if I had them I don't think I'll be able to he always were a serious expression it was on the rarest of rare occasions I see him smile but when he does his beyond beautiful his majestic but when ever his around me his moods always bad right now he probably thinks I'm a burden the stings me I flinched

"I'm sorry I'm not use to this"

Obviously not they don't teach you about this after finishing up he gently wrapped the bandage around it

"Lady vivian please do not harm yourself anymore you have lovely skin it would be a shame to see scars on it"

He look at my hand contemptuously I took it back and hold it

"I wish to go back to my room"

"Tomorrow come with me and I'll give you something but first let me escort you to your room" he said

I nodd to say yes

Nathaniel's prov

It was early in the noon I went to have a discussion with my mother when suddenly someone ran into me I look down it was that woman the woman who caused her misery

"Ah excuse me your highness I never saw you" she saw with a blush

"Yeah I'm sure you didn't now excuse me I need to go speak to mother-"

"Wait! I mean I was just hoping to have some tea with your highness sister atlease it'd be easier there with you its kinda makes me nervous when it's just sister and I"

Ha that is what she always do she plays the victim the first she used this method I'd blindly follow it just to hold on to a reason to dislike vivian so whatever she did I'd always believe her over vivian but in doing so I've not only killed vivian but my mother my cousin and may have caused my kingdom trouble my son Alexander in my previous lives never made it past ten the first life he drown in a lake in the royal palace at 6 years old in my second life I cut him down with my sword because of the constant migraines I had he was only 8 at that age and in my third life vivian killed him he was only 9 at that point I didn't understand why why would vivian killed the child she loved so much in my third vivian's hand went red with blood she not only killed her son but also this woman and if I wasn't careful I would have died as well her eyes that time was much like this one someone who had completely given up on living when I saw her body in my third life it gave me a weird sense of deja-vu and then I looked at the bloody scarf and saw that the scarf that she was holding in her arms where made for me to welcome me as a father it was stitched in to welcome father and husband Nathaniel then i had remember through out my three lives Alexander had always worn that scarf even though I treated them terribly when he was drowning when I cut him even when vivian killed I never saw him removed it and as I remembered him in the scarf I'd always remember she dying with the scarf it was all a weird sense of deja-vu for me as if the scarf was something special in of itself when I think about it there once was a belief that if you your heart and soul into something you believe the desire that you wished into that item will come true I believe it's something like the pinnochino story I believe that vivian desperately wanted a me to become a happy family with her so the scarf kept bringing her back but there is so much things it could do it couldn't keep her mental health and right now that scarf is right in my undergarments

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