Not all unicorns and rainbows

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(P.S. I'll be using Great Britain, or Japan time for many of these, just in case the viewer gets confused.)

It was almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon when the Bots decided to wrap up their game of Truth or Dare, though Bishop insisted on letting Jacquin have her last turn. The dark green, gold, purple and black Mecha sat crossed legged on her chair, her chin in her hand as she waited for the others to calm down enough for her to speak. She had a slim, athletic frame (like Kagerou, minus the cockpit, optical scanner and chest ornament) with wings like some kind of bird, and her helm was like a knight's helmet with feathered wings on the sides (like Duke). She also had a purple visor band across her upper face, giving her a mischievous look when she smirked or grinned (that visor was also very effective when it came to glaring, it made everyone uncomfortable), and, like Ace, Jacquin had no vehicle mode, only her jacquin (a mythical jaguar/eagle creature) beast mode. "So, kitty, who are you gonna pick?" sneered Jack Wild Club as he slumped lazily in his chair, having already humiliated most of his teammates through embarrassing truths and ridiculous dares. The Italian Mecha raised a delicately penciled optical ridge at the rude English Mech. Though her face remained neutral, if slightly annoyed, a devious plan formed in her mind. Jacquin had never thought that she would ever use the term "womanizing idiot" to describe one of her teammates, that is until she met Jack, who fit that description to a "T". Once the others calmed down, the purple-visored Mecha turned to him and asked, "Alright, wise aft. Truth or Dare?" "Dare." Said Jack immediately, just like she thought he would. The Card Fighter instantly regretted his words when he saw the evil smirk playing on Jacquin's synthetic silicone lips. She leaned back in her chair, arms crossed behind her head and said, "Alright. Since we both have graveyard tonight, I dare you to watch a movie of my choosing. And you have to watch every minute of it, even if it drives you insane." Jack replied with a smirk of his own. After all, how bad could it be?

Jack met Jacquin in the bull-pen at 10:00 PM later that night, both eager to finish the dare. The red, blue and yellow Mech stretched out in his chair again as the winged Mecha fiddled with a dark colored movie case, trying to remove the delicate disc inside without damaging it. "So, what are we watching? Harry Potter? Doctor Strange?" Asked Jack sarcastically, thinking that the dark green Mecha was going to try and scare him with a scary movie, like "It" or "The Killing Joke". Jacquin shook her sleek winged helm at his questions. "Neither of the above, though you are close in the magic department." She told him, keeping her crystalline visor on the disc she had just managed to extract from the case, which she then set on a dark section of her desk, so that he couldn't see what movie it was. The winged Mecha placed the disc in the DVD slot and then sat back in her seat, which she set just beside Jack, and said, "Let the dare commence."

Early the next morning, Ringo King entered the bull-pen to see Jacquin doing something on Jack's computer. "What are you doing?" He asked her, tilting his dark helm, his green eyes bright with interest. Another evil smirk pulled on the Mecha's lips when she finished what she was doing. "Just ensuring that I win that little dare I gave Jack last night." She said simply, walking back over to her desk, which sat in between King and Bishop's in the very corner of the bullpen, and waited for the others. Everyone else filed in after a while, with Jack arriving last and looking like he hadn't recharged all night. The Wild Card sat heavily at his desk and squinted at the console, mumbling something about someone messing with the brightness. King was about to ask him if he was alright when a look of utmost horror slapped itself onto Jack's faceplates. Out of the corner of his optic, King saw Jacquin cup her hands around her mouth and whisper in a somewhat childish voice, "Fizzle Pop Berry Twist." Jack screamed like he'd just seen the most terrifying thing in his life and had tried to jump out of and away from his chair, though he only succeeded in knocking it over and landing on his aft, staring wildly at the screen. Ten Heart, who sat next to him, leaned over to Jack's desk and said, "I don't get it, it's just a purple pony with a broken horn." "YOU KNEW! YOU KNEW IT WOULD DO THAT!!!!" Jack shrieked, pointing a shaky and accusing finger at the prankster, who smirked yet again and said, "Well, Jack, if you think that one was good, be sure to watch the next one I sent you." The Wild Card was gone in a heartbeat, causing the others to look at the Italian beauty in confusion. "What did you make him watch?" Asked Paul Rook, looking just as confused as his twin, though Rook was a little more curious. Besides, anyone who could scare the ever-loving scrap out of Jack deserved a medal. The beastformer smiled at the green twin and said, "My Little Pony:The Movie."

To those of you who have read this story before my update, Jacquin is Roulette. I just changed her up a bit. Enjoy!

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