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You pick up the note and read what it says.

I figured you would be asleep so I put your food in a container. It's your favorite :) hope you enjoy.  I put some water and Advil because I know you are sore. Feel better, also Freddie has been acting weird lately and won't tell me why. Maybe you could try talking to him. Talk soon
- GW

Awww he did all of this for me, He is so sweet. You scarf down your food like you have never eaten before. You are stuffed but you can't fall asleep because you had already taken a long nap before. You looked at the clock and realized it's 2 AM!
Shit you thought to yourself. Oh well, since you couldn't sleep you decided to take a little stroll around the castle being careful not to get caught.
George did mention something about Fred acting weird, maybe I could stop by his dorm and talk to him you thought. You arrived at his dorm and knocked softly. It was silent for a couple seconds but then you heard him shuffling towards the door. The door opens slowly to reveal a sleepy Fred, his hair is messy and he is in nothing but some sweatpants. You admire the state he is in finding it utterly attractive. You realize that you have been staring for way to long and come back to reality blushing a little.

"What are you doing here y/n? It's two in the morning" Fred asks tiredly

"Sorry, I can't sleep and I wanted to talk to you" you said looking down

He lifts up your chin with his hands and plants a soft kiss on your lips. He moves himself out of the way to let you into his dorm. He shuts the door behind you while you make your way to his bed. He comes to sit next to you and engulfs your body into a hug pulling you close to his chest. You stay like that for awhile enjoying each other's presence, you then feel you shoulder begin to get wet. You realize that Fred is crying, you hold him tighter, rubbing your arms up and down his back hoping to soothe him.

"Freddie what's wrong" you whisper to him

"I- I" he try's to speak but can barley get any words out in between sobs

"Shhh it's alright, you can tell me when your ready"

You pull away from the hug and look into his eyes. Seeing him like this hurts your heart. you softly caress his cheek while smiling, wiping away some of his tears. you lay down and open your arms signaling for him to lay with you. He obliges and continues to quietly sob, you use your nails to massage up and down his back, arms and scalp. He starts to calm down and slowly drifts to sleep. You feel yourself begin to get tired, so you close your eyes holding Freddie close never wanting to let go.

You wake up to see Fred still sleeping, you slowly try and get out of bed when you feel someone holding you back.

"Can't we stay like this for five more minutes" Fred says groggily

"We have school bubs come on" you say looking at him, but suddenly you can't resist he's just too cute.
"Fineeee five more minutes then we have to get up ok" you say giving in

"Yay" he says smiling happily at you knowing he won

                             *TIME SKIP*

Finally you finish all you classes, today was exhausting and you are very tired . You walk into the corridor seeing Fred at the end. You wave, happily skipping over to him. He pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead. You smile up at him, he lets his arm wrap around your shoulder as you begin to walk back to his dorm. You make small talk till you finally arrive, he opens up his door and pulls you inside. You notice his guitar which you couldn't see last night because it was dark. You ask if he could play something for you. After much convincing he finally agrees. He starts singing and his voice is amazing as well as his guitar skills. After he finishes you give him around of applause and kiss him passionately.
I won't bother him about what happened last night you thought to yourself, he'll tell me when he's ready.

"Hey Freddie I'm gonna hop in the shower if you don't mind"

"Oh no, not at all help yourself" he says smiling

You connect to the speaker in his bathroom  and start blasting music. After you hop in the shower it's so loud you can't hear anything besides the music and your own voice. You didn't even hear the door open, when suddenly a pair of hands slide onto your waist.

854 words
A/N: I'm back y'all, hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm thinking about branching of from HP and writing some anime fanfic if any of you would be interested. I'll keep you updated, but until then keep enjoying this Fred Weasley story.

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