Gotta work together?

54 28 19

  I wrote out the next song on a piece of paper and thought about three days ago.

   How possible did they get that championship?
  I need to go to the mall. Do some shopping and clear my mind.
  I packed my books and headed to the garage to pick up my car.

  I tried to start the car but, it refused. I hate when I'm delayed from doing something that is very important.

  I tried to start the car three times but, it never started.

   'Oops! A girly car have been spoilt'

That... Voice!
  When I looked up, it was the leader of the New Boys.

   'Look, me bumping into you, is it a plan work or something?' I asked and he shrugged and smirked.

'I don't know, you tell me' he said.
'I'd lie if I opened my mouth'

I closed my car door and tried to start it again but to no avail.

  'I can get you to where you're heading to' he said.
  Is he that stupid to think I'd go into his car and play nice.

I chuckled.
'No. I can do this on my own'
He smirked.

  'Thanks for the gesture anyway' I said and tried again and it started.

  'See, I told you' i can do this on my own' I said with a smile and he smiled.

  Wait! Am I smiling? At him?

'If you excuse me now, I gotta go to the mall' I said and reversed and came out of the garage.

  He shook his head and left to his side of the garage.
   When I entered the mall, I caught a glimpse of Sam and a girl. They were trying on new clothes. For some reason I boiled inside.

   I and his eyes met but, I broke the eye contact and led my way to the ladies room.

  'There are so many'
There are so many clothes that if I tried on, I become the clothe myself.
They were fabulous and breathtaking.

Someone spun me from behind and when I looked up it was sam.

'Oh, hi sam'
He folded his arms and raised his brows.

'What's with the look?'

'You saw me and you didn't even come to say hi'
'Did I see you or... It's another person'

He stared at me in a manner of disgust.

'Look, I didn't want to ruin the time you had with your girlfriend' I said.
  He just rolled his eyes and left.

  I heard someone chuckle behind me. When I turned back, it was the leader of the New Boys.

   'What are you doing here?' I asked annoyed.

  'I came to pick up my sister' he said as he dropped his phone in his pockets.

  'What's your name anyway?' I asked.

'If you're that curious, beg on your knees'
'I'm not curious, and your name isn't something that would gain me anything so, place your shit back in its pote' I said and left.
  I wonder why we are bumping into each other.

   Is it a manifestation of hatred? Or life is trying to make me suffer?
   I got some stuffs and went back to my place for a little nap.


I need sleep, go away!


'Who is it!' I yelled as I uncovered myself and sat on my bed.

'Sorry Stacy, it's we!'

That's Zee's voice. I could recognize her deep and coarse voice anywhere.
  I stood up carefully trying not to stagger.
I cleaned my eyes and poured water on my face before heading downstairs to open the door.

  I held the handle and opened it and I saw all six of the girls in front of me.

  'Good afternoon Stacy' zoey said.

'Nothing's good 'bout 'em' I retorted and she made a childish face to indicate that I was rude.

  'You got the message?' Merinna asked.

   'What message?' I asked
They all raised they eyebrows at me.

   I left the door and went to pick up my phone from my washing machine.
  I saw three messages unanswered.

   'Girls, you guys can come in' I yelled.

'We are already in' chloe said and I jumped because they were very close to me, what type of legs do they have?

  'So you got any message?' Celia asked and I nodded.

'Read it' Maria said.

I looked at them and squinted my eye in a suspicious manner.

"Hi Stacy. If you got time, meet me at my office tommorow with the girls.
   The concert have been cancelled and you guys have to contribute so that it's be held. Also, not only you, the Mexico constitution of singing have agreed that you ladies and the New boys are to work together to make this happen. Orders not by me, but by the mexico constitution.
   And wherever you run to, you can't hide - Mr Sunny"

New Boys!

Just to be honest, the New Boys are the only words I picked from that message alongside with work together.

  I looked up from my phone and stared at the girls.

'We have to work together with the New Boys?' I asked calmly.

Twenty Minutes Later...
'Stacy, you're overreacting' Zee said.

  I was throwing things on the ground and scattering the house.

'I'm not overreacting!' I yelled at Zee.

  'Then what are you doing?' Maria asked.
  'I'm overreacting!' I yelled again and she rolled her eyes.

   'Didn't they find any group better than those ostriches to group us with!' I yelled.

  'It's all over the web, Stacy' Merinna said as she scrolled down her phone.

  'Let me see that!' I yelled and grabbed the phone from her and stared at it.
  The fans of the New Boys have started grouping us as boyfriends and girlfriends.
   I gulped. This is bad, really bad.

  We just have to wait and see what Mr sunny have to say tommorow, cause I am fidgeting right now.

I'm having a deadly phobia about this New Boys or whatever they're name are.
  'Scattering your house is no good' Maria said.

   I licked my lips in dismay and agony. She got a point. We just have to work with them.
Just then, there was a knock on my door.

  All the girls stared at me and I placed my finger on my lips.
  'Shh' I whispered and they nodded and followed every step I took to the door.

  I held the handle tightly and opened the door slowly to see the New Boys at my door post.

  I eyed each one of them and that was when I realized I was wearing my unicorn shorts and my crop shirt.

  The leader chuckled as he scanned me. I kept the face neutral, but inside I was panicking.
  'Why are you here?' I asked.
  'To tell you something about what is on the web' he said.
  'I already know thank you' I said and wanted to close the door but, he held the door with his hand.

  'Not so fast girly, there's more than just the travel together stuff' he said.
  I stared earnestly at him. My face was hard and physically uninterpreted.

My day won't get any worse.



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