The Owl

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Akaashi was a rather quiet boy and played Vollyball in his free time. He had black hair who was rather short, pale skin and the eyes of an owl. Though there was one thing about him that no on else knew, you see he was on a vollyball team and played in many games with his comrades, but there was one comrade that gave him butterflies in his stomach.. Bokuto.

Bokuto was team captain, he was like the father of the team. He had spiky white hair with a bit of black, and the eyes of a true owl. Both resembled an owl, which may be why Akaashi was crushing on him. But one very important aspect of Bokuto was his fat and juicey ass.

Akaashi felt awkward about this fact, they were like mother and father of the team.... Not really. Though there was one person who he trusted with said information, and that person was Kuroo. He didn't go to the same school as them which made it easier for Kuroo to keep it a secret.

(Im gonna go to Akaashi's Point Of View (POV) now (,,•﹏•,,))

I woke up to a buzzing sound coming from my phone. I picked up the gadget and look at the notifications, there was a text from Kuroo;
~Morning Akaashi, if your not awake yet your gonna miss out on your daily meet up with Bokuto ;)  
I looked at the time, he was right. Every morning before school I meet up with Bokuto for volleyball practice. I act like I don't care about it, but I really do..
~Woah, you're right for once. Anyways, thanks for reminding me I'll go now.
I texted him back hesitantly, I don't want to give my thanks to this moron. Oh well, what is done is done.

I quickly got changed and grabbed my lunch and stuffed it into my bag along with my homework and a few other books. I slightly jogged the way to school, when I arrived I saw Bokuto waing for me infront of the gym. "Hey, Hey, Hey! Akaashi!" he said, waving his arm to my derection. Play it cool.. Play it cool I thought to myself, "Yeah, hey."

I waited for Akaashi infront of the gym, I have no idea why today, but I expected him to be here before me so I sorta rushed out of the house before realising that he doesn't care about practise anyways. Akaashi's too cool for volleyball anyway I thought to myself.

I didn't wait long before I saw him coming towards the gym, he was slightly jogging. It was cute. For a second I thought he actually wanted to be here, "Hey, Hey, Hey! Akaashi!" I said, waving my arm as a hello, "Yeah, hey." He had a slightly exhausted look on his face, "You're here earlier then usual, what's the occasion?" I said in attempt to not be uncool "Nothing, I just throught I'd come here earlier today, I was bored when I woke up so.." He was so casual, I admire people like that.

I could tell he was onto me, but I played it cool,"Alright, let's go and practice our receives!" It's so manly when he's confident, he's the type of person to be confident and make others feel confident too.

We practiced receives for awhile. I don't know how but I managed to receive to my face shit.. I thought to myself I hope that didn't seem bad to Bokuto.. Play it cool, play it cool "Woah, you ok there Akaashi?" "Yeah I'm fine, it's just a receive to the face." I was basically praying that I didn't seem uncool or anything to him, but he slightly giggled which was just downright adorable!

"Have any plans this weekend?" He asked me randomly, is he thinking about doing something with me? I thought to myself, "No, I'm just going to hang around at home, what about you?" "I was actually thinking that maybe we could go around town together. I have nothing else to do this weekend so.." He said, in slight embarrassment. I was honestly happy for the proposal, I wanted to say 'Yes! Of course!' but I held my ground and stayed chill "Sure, sounds fun." He jumped in excitement, which honestly made me blush. I covered my face in embarrassment as we continued to practice.                                        
I'm so glad he accepted, I was worried that I would have nothing to do! Considering it's Friday means I didn't give him much time to plan or anything so I hope it's totally fine. The idea just popped into my head, I have no clue what we're going to do but I'll do my best!

We continued practicing for awhile until we heard the schoolbell ring, I was honestly surprised that we practiced for so long. Not to mention how surprised I am that no one other then Akaashi and myself came to practice this morning!

The red thread [Bokuto x Akaashi] ~(˘▽˘~) (~˘▽˘)~Where stories live. Discover now