Love struck

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The 3rd years of Nekoma walked down the hall, Akaashi peeked out, "Hey Kuroo, is the bath free?" "Yeah that wasthe last batch." he answered, with no hesitation Akaashi took Bokuto's hand and ran down the hall the the male bathing room.

We got to the bath and I looked inside, it was beautiful. It was outside strangely enough, but the stars made it even more beautiful, the bath was rather large, it could hold up to thirty people. There were shower stations here and there, it was really a beautiful sight.

Bokuto's eyes were sparkling from the moonlight, making the experience ever so romantic. I quickly threw off my clothes and settled into the bath, Bokuto followed after me.

We talked for awhile when our conversation turned into an arguement, "Your so cute Bokuto!" "No, you're way cuter!" I was honestly offended, "Absolutely not! Who do you think you are?! Your way cuter!" I screamed in objection, "No way! Your adorable!" It went on like this for awhile until..

We argued for awhile until I'd just had enough. I splashed water to Akaashi's face, his reaction was hilariously adorable. We then got into a water fight, we laughed as we splashed water at eachother.

Akaashi got out of the bath ad got a bucket of water from one of the shower stantions and poured it one me "Hey! Hey! Hey! No fair!" I said as I pulled back into the bath. We continued to splash eachother until we got tired.

Akaashi rested his head on my shoulder and finally gave up, "Ok.. Ok.. You win" he said in a sigh. I hugged him as we continued to giggle intensively. He buried his face in my chest and lay there fo awhile.

He smelled so sweet and fresh, like an ocean through the jungle trees. He got up and walked to one of the shower stations, and becan to wash himself.

I smilee and got up too, I went to the shower station next to his and washed myself. Once i was finnished Bokutk turned to me, "Hey, Akaashi.. Can you help me with me back?" he asked. What a cliché moment I thought to myself, "Sure, only if you help me with mine after." "Deal."

I walked over tonhim and started to scrub his back, I recognized the body wash he was using and started to giggle. He turned his head and looked at me "What?" he said in slight confusion, "You used my body wash" I blurted out laughing. He picked up the wash he was using then looked at the one I was using and began to laugh too, "Haha you're right, we swapped".

I thought it was Hilarious how I didn't even notice.

When we were all done, we put on our pijamas and headed off to the room we were staying in. Akaashi snuggled into his sleeping bag derectly next to mine and derected me to snuggle into my sleeping bag, in which I did. I'm not sure how but, Akaashi cuddled me even though we were both in a sleeping bag, but he did. I gazed into his Hazel eyes and kissed him goodnight, and we slowly fell asleep, still cuddling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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