The weekend

18 1 0

Today I woke up nice and early, I picked out a cute pair of jeans and a sweatshirt from my closet. I put them aside and continued to look for a nice outfit. I wonder what Bokuto has planned for us today I thought, my cheeks turned bright pink as I thought about all the cliche scenarios in my head. I concluded on the cute pair of light blue jeans I picked out from before, a formal dress shirt and a pastel yellow sweater because it's cold outside.

Bokuto texted me where to meet up;
~Hey hey hey! Let's meet up at the park near that nice café with the green wall!
~Sure, sounds nice
All the thoughts of the day came flooding into my mind, it was kind of romantic.

I was kind of nervous to be honest, I didn't want Akaashi to think I'm a slob so I picked out a nice place where we could eat and hang out. I picked out a nice pair of jeans, my favorite pair to be clear, and a pastelish yellow sweatshirt.

I walked to the meeting point and sat down on a bench, I couldn't see Akaashi so I texted him;
~Hey Akaashi, sorry I didn't specify a time, what suits you?
~Oh, I'm actually already here.
~No way so am I, I guess I didn't notice you
~Haha, I see you, your on a bench, I'll go to you lol

It's kinda funny how I didn't notice that Bokuto never specified a time and that we got here at the same time.

I saw Bokuto sitting on a bench, glued to his phone;
~Haha, I see you, your on a bench, I'll go to you lol
I stuffed my phone in my sweater pocket and leaped over to him.

He looked up at me and started laughing uncontrollably, was it something on my face? "Bwahah, we match!" He pointed to my sweater and jeans. I looked at what he was wearing and started to laugh myself, we were matching.

When we finally calmed down he looked into my eyes and asked "Have you eaten today?" I shook my head. He grabbed me by the hand and took me to the nice café, not far from the park. It had cute little pot plants hanging from the ceiling and chalk boards with the daily special written on them. It had a cute pastel green wall on the side which seemed to be the only feature wall.

We went inside and Bokuto directed me to a nice window seat. We sat down as he gave me a cute menue to look at "Order what you'd like, my treat!" I read a couple of the dishes and settled on a morning ice cream, it seemed interesting enough. It was basic vanilla ice cream, but according to the menue, it had a berry of choice on top with whipped cream, a caramel topping and some walnuts. A waiter came and serve us, Bokuto ordered the same, which I was surprised by, I could tell he was too.

We talked for awhile until the waiter served us the food. For the first few bites I watched Bokuto eat, it was cute, like an owl falpping it's wings to fly away on a nice winters day. When I noticed him looking up at me, I decided to look at my food instead "It's good isn't it." He said in a calming voice, I nodded.

I peekd hp at Akaashi after a few bites of the ice cream and noticed him staring at me, I think he noticed when he snapped back into reality and continued minding his own buisness, "It's good isn't it." I said in a soothing voice, he nodded.

I can't say if I was just seeing things or not but, I looked down at my left hand to notice a red thread attached to my ring finger, I followed the thread only to find it attached to Akaashi's left hand, ring finger. I was so confused so I looked around, everyone in the café currently had the red thread, all attached to the ring finger on their left hand.

Akaashi noticed I was acting strange and asked "Hey, are you ok Bokuto? You seem flustered.." When did he become so formal? I asked myself "Yeah, I'm fine, just seeing things."

The day went fast while I was with Akaashi, he may be quiet but he's a really cool and funny guy. What bothered me was that for the entire rest of the day I saw the thread, on others and on me and Akaashi, does it mean something? I asked myself.

The day ended and we both went home, as soon as I got to my place, the thread vanished, was it my imagination? I asked myself, I calmed down and went to sleep peacefully.

The red thread [Bokuto x Akaashi] ~(˘▽˘~) (~˘▽˘)~Where stories live. Discover now