Secrets unravelled

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Three weeks have passed since I confessed to Bokuto, it was.. Honestly the best descision I have ever made. Nekoma hosted a bath house trip for all the school volleyball teams, and of course we were invited. I was kind of nervous telling Kuroo that I got with Bokuto, I hadn't yet told him surprisingly. We haven't talked much.

We got into a large bus parked at the school parking lot, Bokuto and I were the first ones to board the bus. We sat next to eachother at one of the seats in the back. One of the teachers drove the bus, it took awhile before the bus started moving but it wasn't too bad.

Once we got into the road we perceived that this was going to be a long ride. Not too long after we started moving Bokuto fell asleep, he rested his head on my shoulder as I gazed out the window. His golden eyes glistened in the sunlight despite his eyes were closed, and his pointy, owl like, hair slightly puffed down as he slept soundly. I rested my hand against his cheek as I kissed his forhead.

Towards then end of the ride he had a soft snore.. It was cute.

We jumped into the bus, Akaashi and I were the first to board the vehicle. We sat in one of the seats towards the back. We talked for a big until the bus finally merged itself with the road. Almost instantly I fell asleep, I rested my head on Akaashi's shoulder as I snored soundfully.

A couple minutes past and I felt Akaashi's hand brush up againsg my cheek, followed by the smooth and loving sensation of his lips touching my forhead. Though I was sleeping I could still feel Akaashi's kind presence..

When we arrived after around 2hours on the bus, Akaashi woke me up, "Bokuto... Bokuto, wake up, we're here." he said as he shook me softly. I woke up and looked up at Akaashi, not thinking twice I kissed him, "Good morning." I said as he turned red, "Yes.. G-good morning."

We got off the bus and headed inside the bath house, it was a very traditional looking place, it had large corridors stretching from here and there, along with a counter directly infront of the entrance. Coach walked up to the counter and got us checked in, turns out each volleyball club got they're own room to stay in for the night. Akaashi and I headed for the room we were staying and put down our bags, we set up sleepingbags on the neatly layed mattresses, Akaashi looked up at me with an annoyed face then looked down and his mattress. He dragged the mattress and put it next to mine, once I gazed up at him, a proud smile covered his face.

Once everyone got settled in we met up with Nekoma and Karasuno.

We got settled in pretty quickly, I was proud of myself once I moved the mattress I claimed derectly next to Bokuto's.

Once we all got settled we met up with Karsuno and Nekoma in one of the Cafeteria's the bath house had. Kuroo ran up to me with an odd smirk on his face, Oh god.. I thought to myself as he slowly opened his moutb "So tell me, how're you and Bokuto-" I cut him off almost instantly, "How're you and Kenma?" His face went bright red, he looked at me with an annoyed expression as giggled, "We're doing just fine.. I just wish Kenma would give me more attention y'know" I was surprised I got an answer, really, but I just laughed at him, "Hah, loser. Oh and I managed to confess to Bokuto, that's why I never answered any of your texts" I said with a slight demonic grin on my face.

Karasuno is an interesting lot, they're full of skied players. Their liboro, Nishinoya who literally coms out of no where, their middle blocker Tsukkishima, I remember practising with him, Kuroo and Bokuto once secretly, he's a really skilled blocker, their setter, Kageyama and finally they're spiker, Hinata. Hinata is scary skilled, he can really jump that little man.

Kageyama os really scary, whenever he looked at me I would jump and grab hold of Bokuto's arm. He would giggle, it was cute. They talked a lot about volleyball but then the conversation took a sudden turn by non other then.. Kuroo, "So what're you guys's crushes?" he said in high interest, everyone looked at eachother awkwardly, As if anyone's gonna tell you that! I thought to myself, "Well, I like Akaashi, obviously.." Bokuto said, of course he'd be the one to open up. SugawaraI think it was, also opened up "Well, I like someone too.." he put his arm around Karasuno's team captqin.. I think his name is Daichi, I'm not good with names, "I like, Daichi" Huh, I got the name right I thought to myself, Daichi looked at Suga, his face completely red.

Kuroo was next, "Well, I like Kenma." Kenma stared at Kuroo then proceeded to bonk him on the head. I bet everyones gonna open up I thought, slightly laughing, "I like Kageyama." Hinata said. Ok, now that's the most surprising one yet.. He basically hugged Kageyama while his face exploded. It was funny, "I like Jesus" Said Asahi, "Me too" said Nishinoya, clutching onto his arm, Oh my fucking god was all that was going through my mind, "This is getting weird.." said the green haired boy from Karasuno, I think he was tbe on on the bench.. Yamaguchi? "Yeah.. I'm uncomfortable" said another boy from Karasuno, his hair was completely shaved off.. And his complection was kinda creepy, Tanaka I think.

The conversation ended there, a few secrets were told here and a lot of us were confused and uncomfortable. We ate dinner then went to the baths, we were devided into groups, 1st years, 2nd years and 3rd years, if we wanted to go alone we could after the groups have gone first. I did want to be alone, with Bokuto.. So I waited, and he did with me too.

The red thread [Bokuto x Akaashi] ~(˘▽˘~) (~˘▽˘)~Where stories live. Discover now