Bokuto's realisation

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Quick words of wisdom:
Thank you so much if your reading this far I really appreciat it ٩(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)و
This chapter/part whatever you want to call it, is completely in Bokuto's perspective so don't be too confused if it's refering to the character it's Bokuto (,,•﹏•,,)
Ok now keep reading and enjoy the rest of the story (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

I had a strange dream last night.. It.. Was about Akaashi
(Dream recount)
I was in the gym.. I couldn't move, like I was stuck to the ground.. I looked infront of me and saw Akaashi on the ground, I wanted to go help him but I couldn't move... Everyone ran to Akaashi to help him, even people from the other schools. Kuroo turned to me with a concerned look on his face and screamed "What have you done?!" I could finally move, I ran toward Akaashi and picked him up from the ground.. I wanted to instruct someone to get a teacher but I couldn't move once again. I looked down at Akaashi as he put his hand on my face and said "I love you.. Bokuto.." then he shut his eyes as everyone started to scream. Then it all went black and I found myself in a graveyard, once again everyone was there exept.. Crying, or at least trying not to cry, I read the gravestone and it said Akaashi's name.. Once I was able to move I ran up to the coffin and screamed.. Then I woke up screaming.

For the entire Sunday all I could think about was what Akaashi said. I realise it was just a drean but... It felt like more then a dream.

I started to think Akaashi meant more then a friend to me.. Then I remember the day before, and how much fun we had together, I thought about his kind smile, his funny jokes, I even remembered how flustered he looked when I noticed we had matching clothing.. I honestly started to tear up.

For most of the day I lay in bed, looking at the ceiling. Whenever I heard footsteps I would wipe away my tears and pretend to be practicing volleyball tactics in my room but whenever they went away I would burst out crying once more. I've never cried so much before, it was new to me..

After a few more hours of overthinking and crying, I remembered the red threads on everyone. I jumped up and opened my laptop, typing away asking questions like what is the red thread or what does the red thread mean? There wasn't a comfirmed answer, but I concluded that it had something to do with your soul mate.

I read several articals with high effort, a lot of it was full of big words that were hard to understand but I understood it.. Kinda. I whipped out my phone and texted Akaashi;
~Hey, hey, hey! I was wondering if we could meet up at the same place as yesterday.. Like... Now..?
~Oh.. Uh sure :)
I was so glad he responded, I basically ran out of the house, putting a shirt on while running to the park.

As expected I got here first, not long after I saw Akaashi. As soon as he stepped into the park I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug I have ever given someone. I could tell he was surprised but he still hugged back, "Is everything ok, Bokuto?" he asked me, I couldn't help but burst into tears.. I was basically falling to the ground but Akaashi held me up, "I- I don't.. Want to.." I stuttered, "You don't want to what?" he said it in such a sweet voice, it calmed me down "I.. Don't want.. To lose you" I managed to stumble those words out.

Akaashi held me tighter and reasured me that everything will be ok. Once I managed to calm down, I told him everything, about the tyread and the dream, about what I found out, everything. Akaashi stood up and lend a hand to me, "Shall we go for a walk?" he smiled. I took his hand and we walked around the neighborhood together.

The red thread [Bokuto x Akaashi] ~(˘▽˘~) (~˘▽˘)~Where stories live. Discover now