The confession

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If your still reading I'm so proud of you (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)⁾⁾⁾
I know the previous chapter was so sad (´༎ຶ▽༎ຶ')
But I promise it gets fluffier and cuter because I don't like it when there is a sad part that goes on forever ༼≖̃͡ ◡̶ ≖̃͡༽ And I promise, there will be more Bokuto crying (﹡֦ƠωƠ֦﹡)

I was so surprised when Bokuto started crying, I looked down at him and I swear, my heart nearly ran out of my chest, he was so adorable. His face was buried in my chest I swear it was like he was my baby. He let go of himself at one point so I was basically holding him in my arms at this point.

I managed to calm him down as he told me everything, his dream, the red thread, what he read on the internet and all. I looked at him with a smile and said "Do you want to go for a walk?" he nodded.

We walked around the neighborhood and talked. I gave him the info I knew about the red thread, and he was surprised. He looked at me and stopped, when I turned around he gazed at my eyes, "Do you.. Like me..?" I was so surprised by the question.. It caught me off guard but I just smiled and pat him on the head "You really do look like an owl.." I said to him.. I just couldn't bring myself to confess, but I think he guessed that I did like him.. "Well.. I thought about it.. And I think I like you too" he smiled.. He was like the sun brighting up the night, or that was just the glow on him because he was blocking the sun from my angle in the sunset.

I was so surprised but his smile warmed my heart and I just hugged him "I love you.." I said as he held me in his arms. We held hands the rest of the walk until we said our goodbyes, it was dark with only the street lights lighting the pathways. As he waved goodbye to me I made sure no one was watching, or around, and leaned in and kissed him, he smiled and pat my head. Even though there was little light, I could see he was blushing intensively, I was too for that matter.

Suddenly I felt a large gust of wind as I watched Bokuto walk to his house, I could see it.. I could see the red thread he was talking about. There was one on my left hand attached to my ring finger, when I followed the thread it leaded to Bokuto, it was attached to his lefthand on his ring finger. That made me smile, so he's my soulmate.. For the last time today I glanced at Bokuto's ass, I smiled then went back home.

Akaashi ran up to me and said, "I love you..", hugging me tight. I smiled and hugged him back, so he really does like me. We held hands the rest of the way until I concluded that we should go. I waved at him as he looked around, he leaned in and kissed me, I was so flustered but I pat him on the head and smiled, hoping he couldn't notice how much I was blushing.

I waved at him as I began to walk home, there was suddenly a strong gust of wind, I heard a strange sound.. Like I was in the ocean, with flakes of sand brushing against my ear, it was so soothing. I glanced back at Akaashi, I could tell he saw the red thread like I did the previous day, I smiled and continued to walk home.

When I arrived home, I bounced onto my bed and screamed into my pillow. I was so happy, I didn't understand why though. I bounced around my bedroom until my mother walked in and told me to stop because I was shaking the house.

I went to bed as soon as I calmed down, with a wide smile on my face.

The red thread [Bokuto x Akaashi] ~(˘▽˘~) (~˘▽˘)~Where stories live. Discover now