no sense

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Disturbed mind..
got nothing to write..
how do i feel
has nothing to do..
in the meantime
I'm just laying back...
blocking all the thoughts out of my mind
yet still unable to clear the mess inside
got nothing to complain
but still feeling like
its not right
whatever I've been feeling..
all the time banging my head
making me loose my sense..
always repeating the same mistakes..
and then there comes over thinking
sprinkling salt over the wounds created by my own hands..
the weapon is me
the devil is me
can't seem to escape from myself
running , running
always on the run
never once stopping to look back
never really thinking the things through..
can't be called a human..
but what am i
if I'm not that?
am i just a lunatic lost
somewhere in the search of oneself..
who never really realizes that it resides inside of it?
really surprised how much mess i am
writing all these words
that represents different meaning
when separated but when combined
makes no sense just like my life and me..

i love reading quotes... sayings by people 🙈😁

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