Deku POV

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A/N ~

Hi! I just wanted to say, sorry for not having a stable upload schedule but sometimes I don't really have much time... I hope you enjoy this chapter...This is my first try at romance coz I usually write stories where people die but uh hope you like it! Bye!


I leaned in, capturing his soft velvety lips in mine. He had his eyes closed and his cheeks were flushed red. 

"Aww is kitten embarrassed?" I teased

"S-shut up." 

He looked up at the ceiling of our creation - essentially a treehouse but with a opening and closing roof for when it was raining. Today, it was open allowing us to see the leaves of the tree swaying with the wind and the cheerful sun and sky above it. I lay down and pat the empty space next to me. He understood right away and lay down, intertwining his hand with mine in the process. Staying as quiet as we could, we appreciated each others warmth in this cold, cruel world and thought about why we had deserved all this suffering in the first place. It was nearing the end of summer slowly transitioning to autumn. The leaves were changing colours and falling off of the branches - it was almost as if were depicting my life in a season. Falling apart and distorted. I had thought that Todoroki was the one for me, but clearly not. He and Momo had turned everyone against me, except for Kacchan and they had all believed them in an instant. Well, it's not like I was looking for friends either, but anyways... I can't believe the uh...what did they call themselves? Oh! The dEkUsQuAd trusted him more than the person their 'group' was named after. I guess in this world all that matters is money. The Bakusquad were a bit better, not completely trusting Todoroki before turning completely turning against us both, and shunned us - which, given, wasn't nice, but it was better than being beat up everyday by your bestfriends...

As I got lost in my thoughts, I started hearing small snores beside me and immediately knew that Kacchan had fallen asleep. I glanced over at him, admiring his face which was free of worries, concerns and anger, and gripped his hand tighter before whispering,

"I love you so much, I hope you never leave my side..."
I trailed off listening to the calming rustling of the leaves and the small breeze coming through our treehouse windows. The wind played amongst Kacchan's hair ruffling it, effectively causing me to smile with how calm and serene Kacchan looked when he was asleep. His usual scowling face, was now calm and uncreased, his chest moving lightly up and down with his breathing. Looking to the future is something we should always do... we can get through highschool. Together. 


426 words (excluding author's notes)

Hope you enjoyed this nice fluffy chapter. I'm not exactly sure where I want this story to go so... it might be a sad one but...yea

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