chapter seven

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The party was now imminent. It was just over an hour before the start and you were simply checking yourself in the mirror, as you had been waiting for a while for Lola to finish getting ready so that you could reach the location and enjoy the evening together. Her soulmate would be there, and they would finally meet. They had also arranged similar costumes so that they could easily recognize each other, and you honestly thought it was a very cute thing to do.

You had chosen the simplest but still impressive costume, sinking into another of your many passions. You are wearing a Slytherin robe, with the shirt buttoned up to the collar and the green and silver tie tight. In order to kill time, you have also chosen to wear make-up in the same colours, to make the look more particular and not at all monotonous. All in all, an excellent choice, you say, as if someone could hear you.

"Are you ready?". Loki had been keeping you company the whole time, asking you questions about the party and who would accompany you, who would be there. You laughed in response, asking him why he was so interested, but he got away with it simply by saying that he was trying to attend even though he was far away.

"Yes, but the party will start in almost an hour, I think", you answered, glancing at the time on your mobile phone screen. Better to wait than be late.

He laughs. "And I'm still here trying to figure out what this Halloween is all about".

You shake your head. You tried to explain it to him in every possible way, but he didn't really seem to want to understand. Either he was just faking it to annoy you, or it was so unusual for him that he couldn't get it into his brain. "I'm all dressed... I did my make-up too", you quickly change the subject, already tired at the idea of having to explain the whole tradition to him again. "It's all green. I think you would like it," you hum happily. He still laughs in response. You know he agrees with you, and on the other hand, how could he not? Green is also his distinctive colour.

"No need to ask why. I imagine it looks amazing", his tone is quieter. His words make you blush. You try to suppress a smile, even if there is no reason to do so. It's not like he can see you, anyway.

"Yes... I love my costume". Loki makes a funny little noise. "I've already told you what it is and what it means, right?".

"Wait, let's see. Snakes, green, ambition, leadership. Am I wrong?".

"Then you really do listen to me when I speak", you argue, with the sole aim of annoying him a little.

Even if you can't see him, you know he's raising his eyes to the sky. "I must add, are you attracted to everything about snakes and problems?".

You look at your friend with a shocked expression. She looks at herself from head to toe, checking her outfit. "Too risky?"

You cover your face with your hands. You try in every way not to burst out laughing, but it's very difficult at a time like this. You point at his costume with your index finger, exclaiming "Are you serious?".

She really doesn't seem to understand. She covers herself with her arms, looking at you with a lost look. "Lola, are you an angel? And what is he supposed to be, the devil? How can you easily find yourself? Everyone will be dressed like this!".

The tension on her face seems to disappear in the blink of an eye. And she too joins in the laughter. "I know, I tried to make him understand but there was no way to convince him. It's not my fault! And then...", she brings a hand to her hips, swirling in front of you before pretending to be on a catwalk, heading towards her car. "This dress looks divine on me. Look how it looks. With wings and a halo, don't you think I can leave everyone speechless?".

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