chapter eight

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Living the usual everyday life in the presence of Loki did not turn out to be easy at all. When you were busy with school, you had no idea where he and Thor had gone, and in the middle of the night, they said they would find a solution and that, thanks to a vague knowledge of Midgard that Thor had acquired by visiting Jane from time to time, it would not be difficult to survive. "But this isn't Midgard," you told them, reminding them that you weren't actually in their universe. They always responded in the same way, that is, only as two mischievous children would be able to do, "Are you teasing us?".

In your spare time, however, it was fun to be with them. Or rather, it was fun to watch them argue. If seen from the outside, in a moment of tranquillity, Thor and Loki probably might have looked a bit scary and threatening, counting the size of the gold-haired man and the perpetual bored and sufficiency expression that the other constantly wore on his pale face. But when Loki was tired of hearing him constantly blathering on about his great deeds and battles, which happened very often, and after not even five minutes after Thor had started talking, it seemed as if hell was breaking loose on earth.

Nevertheless, you had also managed to cut yourself some space. Loki had his ups and downs, and it was your job to take care of them. He didn't behave hostile towards you, but you could feel in the change of tone or the light in his eyes that something was wrong. Which, unfortunately, was often the case.

He didn't always feel like talking about it. He preferred to remain silent and play a little with his magic, which seemed to relax his nerves in a moment. And it was nice to see that pout transform itself gradually into a more relaxed expression.

Thor had left you alone with the excuse of being too curious. The reason? He wanted to go to a comic book shop to see how they were represented, if there was anything about them. In short, a child struggling with superheroes for the first time. Both of you had asked him to be cautious and not to be discovered in any way, and thanks to a snap of Loki's fingers, his face had changed completely, as well as the colour of his eyes and hair. So he looked much more like his brother, with his raven locks gathered in a messy bun and his eyes even lighter. Almost frozen.

You are both sitting on the floor, with your back against the wall of your room, watching as the sky outside the window begins to get darker and darker as the minutes go by.

He hums a tune with his throat, his lips tightened in a line, while you play with his hand. His icy touch seemed to send shivers down your spine every time, something you still seemed not to get used to and that would probably always have the same effect.

Today you're the one who's in an unstable mood, and you're also aware that you haven't been able to hide it in the best possible way. You realised this when you caught Loki giving you worried looks, with forrowed eyebrows and inquisitive looks. He hadn't asked questions yet, but you knew that sooner or later the time would come. And as much as it may weigh on you to have to voice your concerns, sooner or later you would still have to talk about them.

"Your thoughts are about to give me a headache", he murmurs, still looking up at the sky. For a moment he squeezes your hand, and with his thumb he starts drawing small circles on your skin. "Care to explain?".

You take a big breath, and then you bite your lower lip. As often as he did this, there was also this other thing you hadn't got used to yet. He could read you like an open book. Probably, thanks to his powers. "I... I don't want you to leave," you admit, and the words seem to slip off your shoulders and get rid of a big weight, as if you were carrying heavy bricks on top of each other.

He sighs in response. "Why are you thinking about this?".

He was not wrong. You should have enjoyed the moment to the very last, but how can you blame yourself? You didn't even know how and when you could meet again, without running the risk of causing problems in your universe and his universe. Besides, Loki had turned out to be a great discovery. The best of all, most likely. He was a ray of sunshine, as much as he wanted to wear that stupid armor of his. In your intimacy, he had so much to give. The little attentions, the words, the looks. Everything about him seemed to have the goal of making your senses, your heart go haywire. Your knees trembled every time he laid a hand on your back, or when he placed small kisses against your forehead, careful as if he could hurt you in some way.

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