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I glanced up from my menu, looking at her. I watched as she bit her bottom lip as she concentrated on what to order. She looked so flawless. Before I could stop myself, I found myself staring at her.

Without looking up at me, she said, "I can feel your eyes burning through my skin." She set her menu down and looked up at me smiling. "So what are your moves on a date? Our last date wasn't too much of a date so we'll pretend that this is our first. What are your moves?"

I chuckled lightly as I thought about the moves I make. I glanced down at her hands on the table. I reached over and place one of my large hands over one of her smaller ones. "Well I like to do this because it creates contact but not too much. Next I would brush a strand of hair behind her ear," I did exactly that as I spoke, "So I can see your beautiful eyes. Towards the end of the date, I would usually indicate to come back to my house, subtly of course." I chuckled as she smiled widely, almost like she was amused. "So what are your moves?"

"Well," she started, "usually I would act really hard to get to make the guy work for me. If they can't be bothered then they aren't worth my time. But you . . . You aren't like that. I don't mean to sound vain but I already know you want me. I mean, I know this because you've stayed by my side through the thick and thin. You don't need to work to get me anymore Ash."

I couldn't help but blush like a horny cheerleader. She sat giggling at my 15-year-old state. I looked over to a man and called him, "Waitor!"


We walked along the pier. I kept my arm wrapped around her waist as she rested her head against my shoulder. She carried her shoes in one hand. I turned to her and mumbled, "should we maybe start making our way back to my car?"

"Yeah okay," she breathed. We turned around and began our descent back to my car. I couldn't help but watch her as she gazed at the stars in awe of their beauty. "Do you think our love could actually go to the moon? You know the way couples say 'I love you to the moon and back'? Do you think our's could reach the moon?"

"Well," I smiled as I looked up at the stars. I let go of her waist and lay down on the wooden surface. She giggled lightly before joining me. I wrapped my arm around her waist as she rested her head on my chest, her arm draped over my waist. I gestured to the moon, "You see the way the moon is so far away? Even if our love travelled the whole way up into space but just couldn't quite reach the moon . . . We would still be in the stars."

"That's the most beautiful thing I think I've heard in a long time," she whispered.

I looked down at her. Her eyes somehow managed to sparkle in the dark. I whispered, "but yet I still think that our love would reach the moon. It would stretch further than the moon, into a whole other galaxy, and yet it would still return home."

"Home? Where do you find home, Ashton?" She whispered.

I absentmindedly smiled, "Home is wherever you are. You know that saying 'home is where the heart is' or whatever the saying actually is because that is definitely wrong." We both chuckled at my lack of memory to this quote. "Well you have my heart so my home is with you."

"Wow," she whispered, averting her attention to the stars. "My home is with you too. Can I ask you something else?"


"Do you really believe in soul mates?" She looked back into my eyes. "It's just, in class we were talking about how Kino and Juana were soul mates. Do you really believe that you are made for that one person?"

"Honestly," I had to think for a moment before answering, "I don't. I don't believe that you are made for someone. I believe that there is someone out there for every single person. There's never in history been a relationship between a man and a lady where they haven't fought. If you fight with someone, it obviously means that there's a flaw in the relationship. No matter how big or how small the flaw is, everyone has them. I don't believe in soul mates but I know that there's someone out there who will make you see past their flaws and past the flaws in the relationship. I believe that there's someone out there for everyone, someone who will make you feel perfect about yourself."

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