After they saved me everything went back to normal.
We were sitting in class with our hoods up when the teacher turned to us and said "uh, excuse me is it snowing? Put your hoods down." Crystal just smirked and it started to snow on us.
"Nope but now it is." Crystal replied as the class snickered. We were sitting there in snow when a transfer student named bloodstroke came in.
Sarah saw him and instantly blushed, I didn't ask her why cause I already knew. Sarah has just found her mate.
When the guy looks over at us Sarah immediately looks the other way blushing even redder. Jeez can this chick blush even redder?
Bloodstroke walked toward us and sat behind Sarah. He leaned In and whispered something into Sarah's ear.
I could tell she was sweating from how close he was, then he licked his mouth and softly bit her earlobe before leaning back in his seat and propping his feet up on her chair.