Growth with life

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Life begins with a personal growth. We can't stay the same each and everyday. We should be in touch with our inner selves. We should set goals and strive to reach our goals. You have to be willing to put in the work when it comes to your goals. I tell my sons this often. I believe in a higher power and what you put in life is what you get in return. With writing this I believe my illness will go into remission again. I have faith in God that I will get to enjoy life like some of my friends. I am determined to do what it takes to be healthy such as eating correctly. Leaving sodas alone and drinking more water and natural juices. You have to make a change if you want to see a change in your life. More fruits and vegetables. You also have to have a spiritual growth. God sometimes allows things to happen to see your faith in him. We all need to fine tune ourselves into his words from the bible. We must know when he is speaking to us. You must learn the voice of God so when he speaks you take heed.

With my health issues I've learn not to let the little things bother me. Stress is a no no when dealing with lupus. At one point in my life I was stressed and I stayed sick. You have to learn to let stress go. Stress will kill you quickly. I want to live so I focus on what makes me happy. I focus on my sons, my mother, my cake, cookie and catering business I focus on my closest friends. I don't let what others that think of me negatively affect me at all because my God blesses me abundantly. Half of the ones that talk about me can't walk in my shoes and deal with my illness. I don't thrive on wishing bad for others. I always wish others would have much success in whatever they do. People need to learn that talking about others only show what type of person they are. In the long run they will end up looking like an ass.

Focus on getting well. I visualize my self healthy each and everyday. I put notes all over my room telling myself I am healed. You must speak it into existent. You have to have faith that God will heal you. If you believe it 9 times out of 10 you will feel much better. You can't let a bad day get you down. Look and speak positive in your life. Stay away from the negative. Negative thinking usually brings bad things. If the people you are around is negative only bad things will happen. Always stay around people that can uplift you and your spirits. That's one reason I love Joel Olsteen. His messages are alway positive.

Learn the true meaning of love. Love isn't about what a person can buy you. Love is about caring deeply for someone and they can lift your spirits. I love my closest friends because they check on me, brightens my day and I never feel as if I'm fighting this battle alone. They pray sincere prayers for me even when I'm unable to pray for myself. God works through people. Material items are okay but I will take a genuine one person that cares about my well-being any day. Don't get me wrong I love gifts but I love a true friend more. I have truly been blessed and I thank God for placing certain individuals in my life.

Life is full of ups and downs. Don't let a failed relationship determine your future. I have high hopes on being romanced. I believe in love and romance. Don't let disappointments detour you from your dreams. Always get back up. When I fall from being ill with lupus I always get back up swinging and kicking lupus but. Never give in and I don't give into my illness. Even though I have lupus, lupus doesn't have me. I refused to let it over shadow my life. The one thing people will remember about me is that I refuse to give into my illness. Sometimes it seems as if I'm not going to make when I'm very ill but I tell Lupus to go on and leave me alone. I have beat all kinds of odds. My old doctors had written me off a long time ago. I changed doctors because I don't like negative thinking around me. I believe in speaking life into a situation and not death.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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