Kings and Gifts

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Kay's Thoughts

Now you must be saying and wondering, 'I thought you said you escaped the law, the refuge, and that you could handle yourself?' Well I did and can. But I know that you should always bring a gift when visiting. And I noticed that these boys are dressed like newsies, and so when they said 'King of Brooklyn' I knew they had to meant the head Newsie, like Jack. And I also know that stealing something from a head Newsie, waivers their power, and it makes a great gift. And lastly, I know that you might think that it's mean, but come on! Can't a girl have a little fun. 😄 So all in all, it was all an act. The only thing that was true was that I really don't know who Spot Conlon is. But who and what ever big shot he is, he can't get to me.

A/N: Sorry this is short. It is just a crucial part of the story, and it brings suspense .

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