King of Brooklyn

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Kay's POV

I knew that I was awake but it was pitch black so I couldn't see anything. Then, the thing blocking me from the light was lifted and I was blinded by the brightness. When my eyes adjusted, I saw that I was surrounded by BOYS! I saw that Snot was the one who lifted the black sack that was covering my head, and on cue, he sniffled. I saw that I was in a brown chair with my hands tied behind me. I also saw that I was by the docs, but this time in front of stacked up crates that formed some kind of ... throne. What? I'm observant.

"Who might we have here?" A voice asked. I looked up to met two blue-gray eyes. The boy was rather attractive and seemed to be the age of 15 or 16. He wore Newsie pants and a white tang top with red suspenders. I could see his muscles bulging against his white tank. He had dirty blonde hair, a contrast from my hazel nut brown hair and emerald eyes. What? I'm observant.

"Oh" I said, turning towards Snot, pretending to be disgusted, "This must be the Spot Conlon you've been  blabbered on and on about." Spot smirked. While shaking my head I added, "He's exactly as you described him." Spot's smirk dropped and he turned his head towards Snot and glared. Snot stood there frozen, shocked at how everything had turned out. Murmurs came from the boys around us. Spot snapped his head towards me and walked up to me. He peeled back my mask. And his eyes widened as he stared deeply into my eyes and I into his. I got so lost into his eyes that ...
"Spot?" Snot asked, snapping us both back to reality.

"Do know who this is? Huh, do ya?" Spot asked, anger streaked across his face.

"No." Snot answered.

"Come, come here. Take a closer look." Snot walked up to me and squinted his eyes looking at me intently. His eyes then popped wide open, realization hitting him.

"That- that's ..."

"Kay Kelly!" Spot finished, slapping Snot in the back of the head. "Jack's gunna kill us."

"Speaking of Jack" I intervened, "I was just about to go visit him when your goons grabbed me."

"I'm sorry about that. They didn't know who you were under the mask." He said uniting my hands. I knew this was the perfect time to grab a present, considering he had his hand on his pimp stick this whole time. I'm pretty sure that stick means something to him. What? I'm observant. Now, time to play with a boy's emotions. So I raised my hands, rolled my wrists, grabbed his suspender strap and pulled him closer to my face.

"Well, then. Let's just be happy you checked." I said in a flirty voice. I let go of his suspender strap and it snapped back to his chest. I lightly pushed him back and stood up out of the chair. I then cat walked around him, dragging my fingers across his chest and back. I came back in front of him and ran my hand up his neck, tracing his jawline, and then gently holding his chin. I looked into his eyes and then down to his lips. Holding his chin, I pulled his lips closer to mine. And right when he thought I was about to close the gap between us, I turned his head to the side and kissed his cheek. He finally blinked and let out the breath he was holding. And while he was distracted I took the pimp stick and slipped it into my pant loop without him noticing. I then kissed my two fingers and pressed them against his lips. "Bye now" I said in that same flirtatious voice. Then, I turned and walked out of there, feeling the stares of all the boys. The second I stepped onto the Brooklyn Bridge, Spot realized his stick was gone and chased after me. Only  to see that I was waving to them from the back of a trolley that was crossing the bridge.

Spot's POV

"Should we go after her" Snap asked.

"Nah. Let her go. We'll meet up with her at Jack's. Plus, going after her now would only kill the fun, we'll surprise her" I said while grinning to myself. My boys turned around and headed back to work.

"Alright Ms. Kelly, you asked for it."

Spot's and Kay's POV

" Let the games begin!"

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