My Boys

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Kay's POV

The trolley pulled up across the street from Marty's Bar. I decided to drop by for two reasons. One, I knew the boys would be there. And two, it's been a while since I had a good drink. Yeah-yeah, I know I'm underage and all but come on. No one really know how old I am. I just say I'm shorter than my age and I get by in life. You're only in trouble if you get caught am I right?

I walked in to see a table in the far corner of a room crowded by boys. Newsies to be exact. I smirked and walked up to the bartender.

"Hey Marty, how's it goin?" I asked him.

"Oh, hey kid. Good, good. How's the travelin' life been to ya." Marty says as be hands me my favorite bottle of "welcome" whiskey.

"Great actually. I ah, found a nice ranch to settle down at till we could get our own place. The old couple there are real nice." I say smiling with pride as I gulp down my drink. 

"Good, good. Well, good luck wit dat, kid."

"Thanks Marty. Heya, yah seen Jack."

"He came in yestaday for a drink, but I haven't seen 'im since."

"Oh. Well ah, yah seen Race?"

"Race?" He asked confused, "Oh, yah. The bettin kid. Ova dere" he said pointing to the table of boys.

"Thanks Marty" I said, tossing him a coin. He caught the coin and chuckled to himself. I smiled and walked over to the table of boys and pulled up a chair. I saw that they were playing poker. More specifically Race was playin poker, with Skittery. All the boy were split in two, half on Race's side and the other half on Skittery's. I put the chair in the middle of the side opposite from them and sat down. When no one looked up, I put my arms on the side of the table, knowing that it annoys Race when people do that, and said, "Heya fellas." This time they both looked up. I saw Race's face flustered with anger, but when he took a good look at me, he dropped his cards, sprung outa his chair and ran over to me.

"Kay! Kay is it really you." He asked squeezing me in a hug.

"In the flesh" I answered. And with that they all came and engulfed me in a hug. I was so happy to see Race, he was my best friend after all. And the others where like my brothers. "Heya, any of you seen Jack."

"Yah he's out on a date" Crutchie answered, stretching out that last word.

"With my sister" A boy I had never seen before answered. I looked at him for a bit longer than usual. He must of sensed this because he extended his hand and said, "I'm David, but everyone calls me Davey. I'm new. Well, not new but we've never met because I met these fellas when I was helping out with the strike." I then smiled realizing that this was the walking mouth Jack had talked about in his letter a few months back.

"Nice to meet you, Davey." I replied shaking his hand. "I'm Kay Kelly, Jack's adopted little sister." He gave a smile and sat back down in his chair. "So do you guys know what time he might come back."

"I don't know. I mean, for all we know they are already back." Davey answered. The others nodded in agreement. "And speaking of being back, it's getting late. Les and I should head back home." He said taking the hand of a little boy next to him, which I assumed was his brother.

"I'm Les, David's little brother" I was right. "Jack told me stories about you. Did you really fight a bull, escape the orphanage, escape the law, and do it all with your eyes closed?" Les asked intrigued by my life. I nodded by head and and chuckled lightly. "Wow" he answered in astonishment. I smiled.

"Come on Les, let's get going." Davey said. Les nodded his head and the walked out the Bar. "Bye you two" I called out before they left. Then I turned back to the others and told them that I was heading back to the lodging house to check is Jack was back. They nodded their heads and I headed out, ready to see my brother again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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