Shocking News!!!

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In Malhothra Mansion,

It was early mrng and sanjay got a call frm newyork.

Caller : hello. Is this mr sanjay I'm speaking with?

Sanjay : yess

Caller : Sir, I'm frm ur company's newyork branch and i need to discuss an urgent thing about our company.

Sanjay : don't make me tense. Jst say it.

Caller : Sir, wait a min as I want to put up a conference call as arun khanna is the co - owner of the company.

Sanjay : Yeah right. Connect it now

Conference call;

Arun : What's the matter?

Caller : Our company is in a big loss and whether anyone of the owners isn't here to make it stable. It'll sure collapse.

Hearing this arun and sanjay become shocked. As the company was the result of their life time hardwork.

Sanjay : Okay I'm coming there in tmrw's flight.

Arun : Or shld i go?

Caller : As the company papers are in the name of Sanjay malhothra, he shld come.

Arun : but he'll be alone there.

Sanjay : Its okay arun, as we have recently signed a deal in this branch u shld remain here. And others I'll manage.

Arun : Okay sanjay. As u say😊

Caller : okay sir we'll wait for your arrival.

Afterthat they discussed abt the company's work and hanged up.

Mrng in Khanna House,

Priya, sanjay is going to newyork for our company's work as it is imp.

Okay arun, when he'll come back asked priya.

Probably after one week replied arun.

In the room,

Parth and saurav were playing and saurav was continuously looking at his new dress which was gifted by vaishnavi.

Saurav thought : why i feel so different when she comes infront of me.

Parth noticed his brthr drowning in thoughts.

He also remebered shubha and him saying her to call by his name and not bhayya. He smiled at it.

Suddenly they got disturbed frm their thoughts as priya called them.

Haaa maa what happened asked parth.

Your uncle has gone to newyork.

Oooo business time said saurav😁

Priya smiled on hearing this.

Days passed by, and after one week.

In Malhothra mansion,

Today was the arrival of sanjay and riya was cooking his fav food. Suddenly the phone rang.


Riya recieved the call. It was frm their company's manager.

Manager : Hello!!! Am i speaking to Mrs Riya malhothra?

Riya : yes, its riya over here

Manager : Mam, I'm the manager of ur company, newyork branch. Myself shukla.

Riya : Yes tell me.

Shukla : Mam, sir met with an accident.

Suddenly phone dropped frm her hands. A lone tear escaped her eyes. After sometime she composed herself and attended the call again.

Riya : What? Where? How?

Shukla : mam, nthg to worry. It's nthg serious abt it. Sir was going to airport to board his return flight and a car came and banged with his car.
He's alright but unconscious. Dr said that it'll be great if his family comes here as he could not travel for sometime.

Riya : plz take care of him. We're coming there as soon as possible.

Shukla : Mam, I have sent ur tickets in the name of arun sir. So you'll have to collect ur tickets frm him after getting ready and packing ur stuffs.

Riya : Okay

And they hanged up.

In the room,

Krish thought : Here comes our firsr hurdle and we are gonna be apart for years.

Krishhh, shubhaa, vaishnavi....called riya entering there room.

Haa maa what's the matter asked shubha.

Riya explained the whole scenario to her. Kids became frightened hearing abt their father while riya consoles them. Then also they felt smthg odd. A feeling of leaving smthg precious behind them.

Okay noww get ready quickly and we have to go to khanna house, as the tickets will be with arun said riya.

Okay maa u go. We'll come soon said krishh and she left frm there.

Krishh bhaii i feel smthg precious is getting away frm me said vaishu.

Haa bhaii same goes for me as well said shubha.

Nthg is getting away the time comes you'll get it all back.

Both vaishnavi and shubha didn't understood what krish said. But they understood one thing that it's going to be a hard time. While krish gave them an assuring smile.

Everyone gets ready and left for khanna house.

In khanna house,

Priya and arun was very tensed hearing abt sanjay's accident and riya and children's sudden trip. They were very tensed for their sons because they'll be getting away frm their cousins.

At that time parth came to the hall with his football while saurav was ready with his cricket bat. Both came to ask permission for going out and playing with their frnds.

Mumma....can we go out now as it's our time to play asked parth.

And yes mumma we've completed our homeworks said saurav.

Priya turns towards them with teary eyes. And they become tensed to see their mom crying. Both runs in to her and hugged her.

Maa what happened asked both of them.

She and arun explained them about sanjay's accident and abt riya and family leaving to newyork.

Whattt!!! Yelled both of them being shocked.

And that's for today. How was the update?  Liked it or not?

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