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Path and saurav was shocked on listening thier mother's words. Suddenly the malhothra family arrives at khanna house.

Priya runs towards them snd hugs riya and children. Riya was crying badly, priya consoles her and the children.

Now it's 10am and ur flight is on 11:30am said arun coming towards them. He gave their tickets to them.

If the deal was not there we would had also come with u. Now I'm helpless as if i went somewhere there could be legal action against me said arun sadly.

Its ok bhaiyya. He's perfectly fine. After we reach there, I'll contact u said riya trying to smile.

Suddenly krish notices parth and saurav's intense gaze on his sisters.

Come on on guyzz lets go to the room for some time krish asked

They 4 agreed and went towards the room.

In the room,

U guyzz are going to leave us nah said saurav sadly.

Areyy buddhu we'll be back smile said vaishnavi hitting his head.

He smiled at her.

Come I have smthg for u told saurav. He took vaishu's hand and left frm there.

Shubhaa will u miss me asked parth with tears brimming in his eyes🥺🥺

Surely I'll miss u. But don't worry its jst a matter of 1 week or smthg. We'll be back soon said shubha.

Haa parth we'll come soon. After all how can I be away frm my inseparable companion said krishh smiling😁

Parth and shubha smiled on hearing this.

Krishhh!!! Priya called

Guyzz i think bua is calling. I'll be back said krish and runs downstairs.

In saurav's room,

Don't u miss me asked saurav.

Yea I'll surely miss u. But we'll be back in a week. So chill yarr said vaishu happily😁

Both smiled at each other😊

I have smthg for u. Through which you'll never miss me. You can consider it as my memory whenever u miss me said saurav.

He went towards his cupboard and took out a pendent in which lies his photo.

This is my fav one. Mom gave it it to me and for the first time, I'm giving it to someone said saurav.

It was a nice heart shaped pendent which can be opened. And inside it there is a small smiling pic of saurav.

Thnk u so much yarr.... I'll keep it as a treasure said vaishuu happily accepting his pendent.

She put that in her pocket and removes her anklet and gifted to him.

Now I only have one anklet with me while the other will remain with u.This will remind u of me. When i comes back you can give that back to me said vaishu smiling😊

Saurav happily accepted her anklet and puts it in his drawer.

They both smiled at each other and side hugs each other😊

Come, let's go its the time said vaishu sadly holding saurav's hand and went downstairs.

In parth's room,

Shubha will u forget me asked parth.

Y would i forget u. I'll back in a week yar....but haa I'll miss u for sure said shubha.

Wait I have smthg for u said parth.

He went took out his ring frm his finger and gave that to her.

Look, this is my fav ring. Don't lose it and you'll always feel me around u, with this ring with u said parth.

Shubha accepted it and removed one of her earrings and gifted him.

I know u don't have a use with this. It's a girls thing😁 But it'll surely remind u of me said shubha smiling😊

Parth accepted it wholeheartedly.

And remember....When i comes back you'll have to return to it to me said shubha😁

They smiled at each other and side hugs each other🤗

Come, let's go its the time said subbu sadly holding parth's hand and went downstairs.

In the hall,

Krishh was helping his mom with luggages.

They all came down.

Areyy u guyzz are here said krishh happily. Now come and help us with this luggage.

They all went and helped him.

Finally, There came the time for them to leave.

Come on children get inside the car said riya.

All of them including khanna family goes to the airport.

At the airport,

Bye bhabhii said priya and arun.

Bye guyzz said riya and hugged them.

The children's were really having a hard time. They were feeling like their life is getting away frm them. While krish noticed it, eventhough he was also sad. He gave them an assuring smile. This made them feel free😊

Bye guyzz said krish hugging parth and saurav.

Bye krishh we'll miss u said parth and saurav.

Bye said vaishu and shubha.

Bye said parth and saurav.

They all get in for a grp hug.

After sometime, they boarded their flight to newyork and goes.

While the khanna family went back to their house.

And that's for today. How was the chapter? Liked it or not?
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