Come Back😊

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Finally, the malhothra's reached their home town, to their loved ones😊

As they never informed anything abt their arrival to the khanna family, they opted to go straight to malhothra mansion  directly and thought of visiting khanna house afterwards.

They reached their home and it was still the same which they left. As arun and priya would often come there to visit the place and have alwys made sure to keep the mansion cleaned.

Krish,vaishnavi and shubha wandered here and there in and out of the house, feeling nostalgic. While riya and sanjay setted up their things in their respective rooms.

Afterwards in the lunch time,

How'll we visit them? Asked krish

We should give them a surprise said shubha

I think we shld test them said vaishu smiling mischievously

What kind of a test are u meaning asked riya and sanjay.

Krish and subbu quickly understood what their sister intended. They smiled at eachother😊

Areyy maa,papa u guyss jst visit khanna house alone said subbu

Why alone? Asked sanjay.

Because we want to know that will parth and saurav bhaii could find us or not said krish🤷🏻‍♀️

Haa soo u guyzz jst go to the khanna house and say that we're still in newyork. But make sure to tell bua and uncle the truth said vaishu.

Okay done said riya.

Wait....I'm also coming with u said krish.

Why? Asked subbu and vaishu.

Because they'll identify me for sure. The matter is abt identifying u two. And we should see abt it seriously said krish smilingly.

Subbu and vaishu too smiled hearing their brother.

They ok all is fixed said subbu and vaishu.

In the evening, the three of them left for khanna house while subbu and vaishu stayed behind thinking for a plan.

In khanna house,

Areyy come on saurav have tea said priya taking the tea set to the the table.

Maa u didn't call me said parth coming there complaining like a little kid.

Parth stop being like a child now and come, have tea told arun.

Saurav starts giggling and parth makes faces😂😂 priya and arun smiled seeing them and they all smiled and shared a grp hug....

Surpriseee!!! Someone yelled coming there.

As the khanna family was being speechless seeing the visitors. All were happy to see them, their loved ones.

Bhaiyaaa....bhabhiii.... yelled priya and runs to hug riya and sanjay. They hugs her back. The same goes for arun, parth and saurav.

Why haven't u informed us abt ur come back? asked arun.

They smiled and pointed out on a man standing next to them.

Krishhh!!! said priya faking anger.

Areeyy buaa we wanted to surprise u that's why i did that🤷🏻‍♂️

Okay.... For now I'm forgiving u said arun holding krish's ear😁

Unclee plzz leave nahh I'll not repeat this😂 said krish.

Priya and arun hugged him and he hugged them back 😊

Suddenly he notices his parth and saurav bhaii looking at them with perplexed eyes😂.

Areyy parth....saurav bhaii....what!!! u didn't identify me? Or u don't want to give me a hug? Are u not happy seeing me backk? asked krish.

Krishh couldn't complete his blabbering as parth runs and hugs him. Seeing this saurav ran in to him for a hug, making the three of them to stumble and fall on the grnd😂 seeing this all began laughing....

Areyyy bhaiii.... Don't show this much love also, that i end up breaking my bones said krish keeping hands on his waist.

They smiled listening to him and hugged once more😊

Bhayya....where are subbu and vaishu? Asked priya.

Parth and saurav suddenly looked around and realizes that they have missed their important persons....they looked on riya's face to hear her response.

They're in newyork only as they haven't finished their works. But don't worry they'll come after one month said krish.

What!!! Said parth and saurav being shocked.

How could they not come? Asked parth

How could they leave us? Asked saurav

Areyy they'll come fastly smile😊 said krish making them smile a little.

They were smiling even though they were upset.

While on the other hand riya and sanjay explained their plan on priya and arun's ear's slowly making them smile.

What ever happens is for good said krish.

All smiled listening to him.

And that's for today. How was the chapter? Like it or not?

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