Stay Back

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They all reached the newyork city and went to the hsptl. After they saw sanjay, evrythg felt normal.

After one week in newyork,

Sanjay was already recovered but doctor held him back

Sanjay : Doctor.... Can we go back now.

Doctor : You can go to your house. But you cannot travel in a flight for a while as u have some internal injuries and it'll take sometime to heal.

Sanjay : then how'll we go back.

Doctor : u can settle yourselves here for 1 or 2 years. As u own a company here, it'll not be a prblm. After that u can head back to ur homeland.

Riya : Okay doctor. We'll do as u say.

Doctor : thnk u

Riya and sanjay : thnk u

They left for their house which was situated in a hill top in the newyork city

In the house,

Krishh bhaiii we'll go back today said vaishu and subbu smiling.

Haaa sisters.... but we never know what's abt to happen nxt said krishh🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

And as usual both the sisters doesn't understand a single word😂

Suddenly riya and sanjay entered.

Riya explained everything to them. Eventhough they were sad for their father, they became sad remembering their cousins.

Don't worry children we'll go back after 1 or 2 yrs said sanjay trying to cheer their mood up.

They gave him a faint smile.

In Khanna House,

Bhaiii they'll be back today said saurav jumping around the house.

Haa bhayya I'm eagerly waiting said parth.

They both were happy to meet their cousins.

Suddenly priya and arun came to their room.

They explained the whole scenario to them. They were sad but they didn't showed it up.

Priya and arun gave them an assuring smile. While they smiled back🙂

After that priya and arun left their room to do their works.

Why is this happening to us asked parth

They're the best and only frnds we have said saurav sadly.

Parth's face fell rembering their bond.

Saurav noticed this and tried to cheer him up.

Areyyy it's jst a matter of time. 1 or 2 yrs only nahh... That'll fly fast said saurav assuring him.

Parth smiled seeing his brthr trying to cheer his mood up.

Haa bhayya that'll fly fast said parth smiling.

In newyork,

Vaishuuu....subbuuu.... Let's call them and talk said krish smiling😊

All agreed and called at khanna house,

Priya : helloo!!

Krish : bua, it's us

Priya : Aww my children I'm missing u.

Subbu : we're missing u too bua.

Vaishu : don't worry bua, we'll come back as soon as we can.

Parth and saurav came there hearing their mother's voice.

Parth, saurav it's ur cousins calling said priya smiling and they happily accepted the phone frm her😊 Then priya went away giving the cousins a private time.

Parth - saurav : hello

Subbu - vaishu - krish : hello

Krish : don't be sad remembering us

Saurav : we're not sad.

Vaishu : is that so🤨

Parth : areyy bhayya is saying that to tease krishh.... Don't worry vaishu.

Vaishu : if that's the matter, then it's okay 😊

Saurav and parth smiled on that comment while subbu and krishh giggled hearing that.

Subbu : we'll come there as soon as possible😁

Parth : well, you shld come.

Krish mischievously : saurav shubha will make laddoos for me instead of u.

Saurav : krishh....u again started😩

Subbu : don't worry saurav bhaiii.... I'll learn making laddoos for u when i come back😊

Parth : vaishuu.... We'll go for a trip when u come back.

Vaishu : done parth it's a deal😁

Krish - subbu - saurav : And us🤨🤨

Parth : vaishuu shld we take them with us.

Vaishu : we'll think abt it parth.

All started laughing. And they continued their chit - chat session for soo long until the phone's balance became zero😂😂

Days passed by,

Parth and saurav was eagerly waiting for their cousins arrival but due to some prblms they were not been able to come back.

Years passed by,

And the little childrens have now grown young while their parents have grown a little old.

And Yes.... it's the saddest thing on earth to watch our parents growing old infront of our own eyes🥺🥺

And that's for today. How was the chapter? Liked it or not?

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