07-08 | Gimme God Complex

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Fear lands heavy on my back, and I sigh, running a shaking hand through my hair. "Fuck."


We weren't exactly proud to radio in that we'd lost one of the very last barrels of hydrazine left in existence. Murphy was the person to receive the news, just to add salt to the wound. He gave us plenty of shit for it, and we let him be the one to break it to Raven, saving us from further shame from our failure.

After dropping off the remainder of the already previously sparse barrels, Jasper, Clarke, Roan, and I remain at the lab while Bellamy goes back to Arkadia, leaving us with a single radio. Jackson begins to give we Arkadians a tour of all of the various levels of the complex.

"This is Becca's main research lab," he introduces as we enter a room I've seen a million times, albeit only on a screen. "But, there are five other levels."

My eyes land on the fateful rocket, bathed in a pool darkness at the moment, though the hangar doors remain open. Freezing cold awe pools in and gnaws at my gut, mixing with the earlier fear, turning into an ill tasting combination.

"Incredible," Clarke breathes with a shocked expression, her crystalline blue eyes raking over all of the various technology wirring within the massive white room. The little fans create an ambiance of peace and brilliance, almost enough to bring me some relief. Almost.

"This is really cool," I whisper under my breath, Jasper nodding silently beside me, seemingly as stunned as me. Abby turns around from her place next to the futuristic CT-scan machine, smiling wide.

Without a word, Clarke descends the stairs to her mother. Shrugging to Jasper, I glance over to Jackson, who smiles a bit. "We'll go check on Raven and Luna," he says for us, taking the lead once more.

The hallways are just as pristine as the rest of the lab, white, clean, and very technology-esque. Silence takes over the group, but it's nothing if not comfortable, Jackson allowing us to take in everything.

After briefly checking on the two girls, both of whom were resting peacefully next to one another on a cot, - wow, Sea Mechanic fr - we head back to the lab. Jackson briefs us on the way about the solution idea, including the struggle of bonding Luna's DNA to other DNA. We open the door, finding Emori watching the interaction between Abby and Clarke. The very same interaction about becoming Nightbloods.

Nerves shoot through my brain, firing as I glance over to the Grounder girl I platonically adore, and sigh. If I can sacrifice myself to become a Nightblood and test the creation, I will. Not the first time, because I saw how that went enough times to last me a lifetime, but when it's done; when Clarke becomes a Nightblood. Hopefully in time to maybe even save Luna from Abby going all Mount Weather on her, as the Mountain had done so many of my close friends, and almost had done to my boyfriend.

"I'm heading up to the house," Emori begins, breaking me from my thoughts. "Anybody want anything while I'm up there?"

"No, we're fine. Thanks, Emori," Abby responds back, giving the girl a smile that goes unreturned. She turns to leave, but the elder Griffin calls after her. "No, hold on. Honey, you should go with her," she adds, addressing her daughter.

In an instant, Clarke shakes her head. "No, I just got here. I want to be here with you and help."

"There is nothing for you to help me with right now. It'll be five hours before the samples are even ready to be tested. Okay? Go, take a shower, and we'll figure this out when you get back. (Y/N), Jasper, why don't you go with them?"

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