05 | The Tinder Box

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"Yeah, yeah. Let's go survive the apocalypse, I guess, or whatever."


     We're already working by the time the sun tops the mountains, flooding Arkadia with light. It's an appreciated break from the icy, freezing cold of dawn, though not much of one. We're down to one meal a day, trying to cut back resources for the future.

     Monty, Jasper, and I are all on rations, trading with Niylah. Monty hands her a large jar. "Last batch of moonshine," he tells her, nodding.

     She hands him a bag of dried meat, and he furrows his eyebrows, concern in his voice. "Feels a little light."

     "Your hunters are slipping," she counters without missing a single beat, a tad defensive. "I can only dry what they bring me."

     He nods tiredly, throwing the bag over his shoulder, merely dipping his head in thanks. Jasper and I help to carry the other - undoubtedly lighter than usual - bags, passing Clarke on her way through the hangar.

     "Hey, any word from Jaha?" She stops us as we pass. "Did they find Bellamy's unit?"

     "Yeah," Monty begins sarcastically. "They're back and we forgot to tell you." We chuckle a bit, continuing towards storage.

     A commotion stops us, and Monty takes the haul, hurrying off as I run back to see Octavia on the metal table, passed out and bloodied.

     Cursing fluently, I sprint over, panic french braiding my nervous system as I watch Clarke begin to give my sister CPR. Horror grips at my chest and lungs.

     "Is she going to be okay?" I question desperately, terrified. Only then, do I notice Ilian as Clarke asks his name.

     "Ilian kom Trishanakru. I was on my way home from Polis when I found her."

     Lincoln comes barging into the hangar, jogging to Octavia's side and grabbing her hand. He quietly pleads with her, hiding his fear as best he can. He murmurs Trigedasleng to the unconscious girl.

     Finally, she coughs weakly, and Clarke commands, "Okay, get her to medical, now! Start an IV; blood and fluids, and a suture kit ready." In an instant, Lincoln has her in his arms, and he carries the poor girl away as commanded, Monty on his tail. I lag behind to thank Ilian, and then hurry after them.

     I catch up just in time to hear my sister plead for Lincoln to stop, her voice tragically and horribly thin. "Azgeda is coming," she manages, nodding to me.

     "Okay, okay. Lincoln, get her to medical, I'll tell Clarke." I whirl on my feet, whipping around and sprinting once more to the hangar I'd been in moments ago.

     "Clarke!" She turns around quickly. "Azgeda is coming. There's an army marching here. Octavia told me. War has come. They're on their way here right now."

     The blonde hurriedly nods in response, throwing orders left and right on her way out of the hangar.

     "Monty, get Kane on the radio, find out what's going on. Harper, hey, look at me. Convene the guard. Miller's dad is ranking officer. If Azgeda is coming, we need to plan our defence, okay? I'll be there as soon as I can. Niylah, (Y/N), I could use the help."

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