Chapter XXXVI

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Saranya woke up with Farida sitting beside her hospital bed as her aunt and mom stood talking to a doctor.

Her eyes dimmed a little as she turned her face away from looking at everyone.

Did it work? She thought as she hoped that she'll just hear plain silence or just her part of mind mocking her back.

But the utter shock she felt when she heard his thoughts,

We came back.

Why can he hear my thoughts again?!

She started sobbing which alerted everyone.

Farida who was dozing off waiting for her friend to wake up, while Saranya's mom, aunt and doctor rushed to her side, they all were stunned.

As the doctor tried to calm Saranya down to check her vitals, everyone else stood crying too.

"Never do that again!" Farida cried as she pulled Saranya in a hug when the doctor left.

I don't deserve you.

Is this some kind of game?

She felt exhausted as she realised that the connection still exists and that everyone knows that she tried to commit suicide.

She now needs to get through the scoldings she's gonna get for trying to kill herself and she'll have to keep a track of her thoughts.

As she was lost in the laying out the things she'll have to do, her cellphone which was laying on the bedside table, with low battery, started ringing.

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