Chapter XXVI

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Just when she thought she would be experiencing another moment of his life, she felt herself crash land into nothingness.

As she noticed the emptiness of the strange place, her thoughts all rushed in to assault her mind. They overwhelmed her.

It overloaded her and she broke down. She hated it. Hated feeling so uncomfortable and burdened.

Saranya did not like crying but to her it seemed like it was the only thing she ever did.

Damn whoever said that crying meant that you've been strong for a long time.

She never found bravery in her.

So here she was crying in a blank space. Like the crybaby she is.

Thoughts of her bad decisions affecting her soulmate made her cry.

The way he was stuck in a time loop made her cry.

The fact that she was the cause of some of his hardships made her cry.

She didn't know how long she was curled up on the ground in fetal position but when she looked up she saw him.

She saw Namjoon kneeled in front of her and banging his fists on some invisible wall.

He was barely a feet away, agonized and helplessly knocking on the barrier.

Her sobs stopped.

She stopped crying as soon as she realised she was doing it again, making him suffer.

The barrier disappeared. And Namjoon lost his balance.

She hastily wiped her tears as he stumbled close to her. She was more than determined to do what she had in mind and looking at him, strengthened that resolve.

I need to make it right.

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