I love you

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Mitch was tired...he was tired of being the nice friend who supported Scott in his relationships and only wished nothing but the best for him...the truth was that Mitch hated any guy that Scott brought home. He hated them because he wished he was the one Scott was with. Every minute of everyday.

Mitch would obviously never admit it but he loved when Scott and him would act as boyfriend's or tease the fans by acting like they were going to kiss but never really kiss.

He missed Scott and he wanted them to be like how they were before...before Scott met Alex.

When Mitch and Travis broke up Scott was there...Scott was always there. Mitch always made fun of him or got sassy with him or told him to shut up when he complimented him but really, Mitch loved Scott's quirky-ness he loved Scott's blonde moments and he loved when Scott would compliment him and Mitch thought maybe that's why he was so sassy or moody towards him. Maybe it was because he wished what Scott said was real or at least in a more than friends type of way...

Mitch was in his dressing room getting ready Pentatonix very first concert for the on my way home tour when Scott came in "hey, Mitchie? Esther said we have VIP in 10 minutes." Mitch put on a fake smile "Ok. Be right out."

Scott smiled and walked away, once Scott was out of sight Mitch's fake smile disappeared and he held himself up on the vanity as he put his head down.

Kirstie walked in and noticed his mood "hey girl, what's up?" Mitch sighed as he shook his head "nothing...just...nothing."

Kirstie was wearing just a pink t-shirt and black skinny jeans since they don't have to dress up for VIP. Kirstie sat down on one of the sofas in his dressing room and sighed "tell him already Mitch."

Mitch's head snapped towards her "you know?" Kirstie nodded "It's so obvious...the way you look at him when he does his riffs or in interviews and how much you blush when he gives you a hug, and by the way he looks at you I can tell that he likes you." Mitch shook his head "no he doesn't." Esther walks in and tells them that they have to be at VIP so they stop what their doing and start heading to VIP.

They sit at the table and sit like how they usually do which is Avi, Kirstie, Scott, Mitch and then Kevin. Mitch loved Meet and Greet because the fans really made him smile and they are so sweet.

After that they did a photo op with the fans and then go to private performance. They do a Q&A and when it's Mitch's turn to choose someone the fan says "is Scomiche real?" Scott laughs "we're just best friends, right Mitchie?" Mitch nodded and put on a fake smile "yeah...friends." after that Mitch made it a point to hurry out of there and go back to his dressing room.

Scott followed "hey, what's wrong?" Mitch shook his head "nothing." Mitch started fixing his side bangs and went to his closet to pick out an outfit to wear for the concert. Mitch saw Alex sneak up behind Scott and hug him from behind "Hey you. I was looking all over for you." Scott laughs and they kiss "yeah I was just hanging with Mitch."

Mitch sighed "Scott, can you please leave." Scott furrows his eyebrows "why?" Mitch rolled his eyes "because I need to change and you should spend some time with your boyfriend." He nods slowly "yeah..sure." he then leaves with Alex.

When Mitch changed he went to hang with Kirstie who was putting on her black dress and asked Mitch to zip up the back.

Mitch helped her and she says "how you feeling?" Mitch nodded "I'm doing alright." She gave him that no you're not face and Mitch sighed "let's just get through this concert...ok?" She nods and they go with the others.

After the concert Mitch was sitting down in his dressing room on his phone when Scott said "hey, wanna come with Alex and I to the gay bar around here. There may be a cute stranger?" Mitch didn't even look his way as he scrolled through twitter "no thanks."

Scott sighed as he closed the door behind him and walked towards Mitch as Mitch sighed as he looked up "did I invite you in?" Scott gasped in offense "wow, sassy pants."

Mitch rolled his eyes as Scott said "what's wrong?" Mitch shook his head "nothing." Scott sat down next to him "it's not nothing." Mitch scoffed as Scott took the phone out of his hands "tell me Mitch. Obviously something's bothering you."

Mitch scoffed "fine, you want me to tell you? I love you Scott. Not as a friend, not as a brother. I really fucking love you and being around you 24/7 and hearing you talk about Alex every damn day makes me lose it and I just can't deal with you in my face right now because all I'm thinking about is kissing you and I can't because we're just friends, so please leave me alone so that I can relax and salvage some of our friendship."  Scott just sat there and watched as Mitch was tearing up.

He then grabbed Mitch's face and kissed him. It was a kiss so full of passion and a little bit of lust. When they pulled back for air Scott said "I've been wanting to hear you say that ever since the Sing Off." Mitch smiled as Scott pulled him back into a kiss but Mitch immediately pulled back.

"What about Alex?" Scott licked his lips in thought "we'll work it out. I love you too." Mitch smiled and pulled Scott back in for a sweet kiss.

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